Wrong choices

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Mina and Chaeyoung are now sophmors in the same college. They both live in a dorm but different rooms. 

Ever since high school it's been the same thing. 

Secret sex meet ups, nothing more though. They knew more about each other than any other person but still nothing. 

At this point they have just given up on  having a relationship together. 

Mina was starting to get tired of it though. They haven't had sex with anyone else but never discussed having another person in the sense

One day after their meet ups****

Mina and Chaeyoung are laying down cuddling in Chaeyoungs dorm room after their session and Mina starts a conversation while Chae is rubbing her hand up and down Minas back. 

"you'll tell me if you are going to have a girlfriend right?" 

"what?" Chaeyoung asks panicking. "If you want to have a girlfriend, just tell me so we can stop this." Mina finishes but Chaeyoung is left speechless.  Mina wanted Chaeyoung to step up and break the seal. 

Chaeyoung felt so dumb. this was her shot though. This was her shot to tell Mina how she felt and do something that she's being dying to do. 

but the next thing to come out was not the same as she was thinking. 

"yea I'll let you know..." is all Chaeyoung says. Mina was caught her offguard. 

Chaeyoung turns her face and scrunches her nose because she knew she fucked up. 

Of course she wanted to tell her that she only wanted to be with her but so much time has passed that she didn't know how. 

Mina was disappointed in her answer. Was this all they were gonna be? Just friends with benefits? just a hot hookup? bootycall for life? 

Mina felt so amazing in Chaeyoungs arms. She felt safe. 

Chaeyoung was always about to say something. It was always on the tip of her tongue, but never out of her mouth. 

"I should go then."  Mina says sighing. 

"I thought you would stay, we could cuddle all night. you always like when we hug all night. and then when my hand finds its way all the way back around to yo-"

she was cut off by Mina "thats something couples do, maybe we should just keep a distance since we aren't a couple." 

Cheayoung felt a thousand little stabs in her chest from that statement. 

But Mina was right. only couples should get to do that. 

"so you don't want to meet anymore? did you meet someone?" Chaeyoung says in a more serious tone. 

"No I haven't met anyone like that but i mean are we just gonna be hooking up for life? was I always just a good lay to you or something?" 

"No Mina I mean we never really talked like that, look if you don't want to do this anymore lets just stop then okay? you don't have to feel sorry for me. I like having sex with you and you with me, so what's the problem?" 

Once again Chaeyoung put her foot in her mouth. Is that what you really wanted to say Chaeyoung? I mean Mina laced it out for you and you went the other way. 

Mina scoffed. "you really don't get it huh?" 

"get what Mina?" Chaeyoungs now confused

"I'm just gonna go. I'll call you." 

When Mina left something had changed. Chaeyoung knew that that night should have ended differently. She had the power to make that happen  but of course she was a dumbass. 

What will happen to Michaeng? 

I'm afraid nothing good right now...



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