Come back

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"what the fok now?!" Mina says as she gets up to answer the door for the second time that night.



I couldn't even finish my sentence when she was already on my face, but I didn't stop her. There was no way in hell I was going to stop this. I wanted this too. I have been wanting, needing, craving her body even, and by the looks of it she was too.  Our tongues finding each other. finding the perfect rhythm like we always have before. 

Missing each other so much, not even questioning why the other wasn't backing down as they both didn't want to ruin this moment. 

"I just can't help myself" Chaeyoung says through their kisses. Both moaning through them at the same time. not being able to help themselves like Chaeyoung said. 

"don't ever stop helping yourself" Mina says as she moves her lips down to Chaeyoungs chin leaving a trail down to her neck as she now is sucking and making sure to leave her mark. 

"fuck" says Chaeyoung as she cant hold in her moan from that feeling. That feeling that only Mina has been able to succeed in. 

They start walking backwards until Mina hits the wall. 

They looks at each other again, their faces were so close to each other and they were both admiring the beauty that was in front of them. 

The perfect specimen given to each other for who know what reason. Maybe for this moment right here. 

Their lips meeting once more and articles of clothing start to be thrown on the floor. 

Both girls were now half naked. just how they wanted. 

Chaeyoung stopped kissing Mina because she wanted to stare at Mina. Even just for a second before completely devouring Mina just as she planned. 

"I missed you" Chaeyoung says before going in again. 

Now it was her that was biting and sucking on Minas neck, earning herself some moans from the older girl. 

Chaeyoung lifts Mina onto her hips. rubbing Minas thighs. Her hands making their way to Minas ass just like ever before as they are still making out, Now thrusting her front against Minas. just the friction enough was driving both girls crazy. 

Chaeyoung steps off the wall and walks backwards towards Minas bed. Sitting down, making sure Mina settles on her thighs. 

Mina now begins to thrust, making Chaeyoung say "oh shit" over and over again. Making Mina smirk through their kisses. 

Mina leans into Chaeyoungs ear and whispers "I missed you too" 

Chaeyoung is now smiling from ear to ear before continuing, nothing was going to stop her form going all the way tonight.  

She lifts Mina up again and sets her on the bed. Looking at her straight in those beautiful eyes before slowly taking off her panties. 

Both girls are now breathing so heavily at this moment as the anticipation was exhausting. 

They finally come off and Chaeyoung smirks as she takes her own off as well. 

She smirks because something magical was going to happen tonight. She knew Mina was going to make her feel amazing and vice versa. 

She traces her finger tips along Minas waste all the way up to her nipples. 

Mina had managed to take off her bra in the middle of all the chaos.  

Mina flinching a little at the touch. She missed that. She missed how easily Chaeyoung could pleasure her or make her nervous. 

Chaeyoung plays with Minas perfect skin for a second before bring her mouth around Minas perfect Pink buds. 

Mina lets out a little "ahh" before Chaeyoung continues. 

Chaeyoung leaving wet kisses going down from her breasts to her abdomen, to her V line, then down to her center. 

Completely devouring that sweet pussy that she missed so much. 

Mina now making noises she didn't know were possible for a human being. 

Mina didn't even know she was making these noises at the moment, she just let her self give in to Chaeyoung 

As Chaeyoung tongue is working on Mina, Chaeyoung feels the need to rub her own pussy as she was so horny and wet too now. 

Mina looks down at the perfect moment and notices what Chaeyoung is doing. She makes Chaeyoung face her and brings her body on top of Mina. 

Chaeyoung brings her hand to Minas cheek as she is still panting. 


They both bring their hand to each others center and insert two fingers each. 

Both girls gasp from the sensation as it has been a while for both. 

The girls now going in and out of each other slowly while their lips are fighting for dominance through their load moans. 

Both girls thrusting in and out of each others fingers. going faster and faster until Mina stops. and flips over making then into a 69 position. 

"I need to taste you so bad." 

Not even a second later when they both dive in. Both eating their favorite entrees. Tongue fucking at it's finest, Pleasuring one another non stop. Moaning into their cores. Not caring if anyone heard the. As the girls could not hold it any longer coming into each others mouth. Feeling the immense euphoria. 

The only people that could make that happen. The girls panting, trying to catch their breathes, Until Chaeyoung comes back around to give Mina more endless kisses. 

"wow" was the first thing Chaeyoung said before Grabbing Mina by her cheeks and kissing her again. 

"yea" Says Mina trying to process what just happened and still looking at Chaeyoung. Not being able to stop smiling. 

Both holding onto each others waist as to not let the other leave their sight. Both afraid that this would be their last for some reason. 

"I want to do that with you forever." Chaeyoung says while rolling on top of Mina. their naked bodies fitting perfectly with each other like the last pieces of a puzzle. 

"me too" Says Mina before she says the one thing that would ruin this perfect moment.

"But Chae, I still have a girlfriend..." 


So fucking cute.

I didn't forget about Nayeons story line either, got some plans coming soon. 

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