Epilogue Part 1 - LBD

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Lesbian bed death - lesbian couples in committed relationships have less sex than any other type of couple the longer the relationship lasts, and generally experience less sexual intimacy as a consequence.

Chaeyoung was reading an article online about LBD. She was really curious because she thought this is what her and her wife were going through. 

Mina and Chaeyoung have been married for 6 and a half years already. They were done with school and were each very successful in their careers. Mina being a teacher and dance instructor of one of the most prestigious schools and Chaeyoung being a tech genius. making bank in her High tech firm. 

'Ahh okay, maybe we are going through lesbian bed death, I don't know what to do anymore. Mina and I haven't had sex in over 5 months. I didn't even realize that its been this long until I saw Mina coming out of the shower one night. She had just shaved her legs and when she got in bed I put my hand on her thigh but she just shoved it away and got a hold of her book.'

'I didn't mind it at that moment and just laid there next to her falling asleep in 2 seconds like always. but then I started thinking and trying to remember when the last time we had sex was. I couldn't remember...'

'I think we are going to go on to 6 months next week. We are so comfortable with each other and Minas presence is enough satisfaction for me. Am I enough for her though? Maybe she's getting it somewhere else and she doesn't need me anymore.' Chaeyoung shook her head at that crazy thought. 'Maybe she wants a sexless marriage. I've heard of this.' 

"no no no no" Chaeyoung said to herself. 

She was at work on her lunch break in her office trying to think of ways to spice up her marriage. 

'isn't it too soon for that tho? I wonder if she misses sex with me. We used to do it everywhere. In the bedroom, shower, bathtub, kitchen, dinning room table, couch, floor. I mean the list could go on very long.' 

"ahhh" Chaeyoung was a little frustrated. 


"hey cub, what's wrong? you seem down" her coworker/ bestfriend Tzuyu came in to join for lunch.

Chaeyoung looked up "oh hey, just thinking about a lot of things."

"no duh. what happened?" 

"honest? no judgments?"

Tzuyu took a bite of her salad. "sure." she said emotionless. 

"okay well me and Mina are going through a very very very big dry spell" 

"what do you m- Ohhhh hahaha"

"you said no judgements!" 

Tzuyu finished laughing "sorry, I didn't expect that cub, uhh okay, well have you been trying?"

"yes but every time I do, she pushes away or just kisses me and turns over for cuddles which I don't mind anyways but.."

Tzuyu raised her eyebrows "maybe she's cheating on you"

Chaeyoung opened her mouth and stood up "WHAAA?" 

Tzuyu moved back with her hands up. "just kidding! I mean maybe you just got too comfy being more of roommates?"

Chaeyoung sat back down. "Mina would never cheat on me nor I on her... yea it's kind of routine now a days. get home eat dinner, talk about our day, take a shower. Separately. and then go to bed and cuddle and watch a show." 

Tzuyu nodded her head taking in the information. "okay, hmm. maybe next time try jumping in the shower with her? that could start something right?" she continued. "you know this really surprised me a lot. You and Mina used to be the horniest of the group. not even me and Sana were that crazy. I think we have all caught you in separate occasions doing it." she laughed.  

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