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Chaeyoung wakes up the next morning with her brain trying to bang its way out of her head. probably the worst hang over she's ever had. 

She looked around but there was no one. she had to squint her eyes because she could not concentrate enough to think about anything. she lay her head back down and turned her body over. 

She could smell Minas scent. She started to sniff the pillow next to her. An automatic smile arose from her face. She didn't even mind this horrible headache. 

She did in fact remember one important detail about last night even if the rest was a blur. 


She could never forget Mina looking her in the eyes and saying yes. 

'she said yes, does she love me as much as I love her?' Chaeyoung still questioned herself. 

"ahhh" Chaeyoung let out a love sigh combined with a yawn. 

She is still faced down when someone enters. 

She was about to turn her head but it was met with a pillow coming full force at her face. 

She lay back down and just shut her eyes. This was not what she had in mind as the morning after. 

"oucccch" Is all Chaeyoung could get out. before another hit came. 

"please please stop, my head is already killing." She grabs the pillow from her hand before she could land another hit. 

"i should be giving you a hundred of these." Mina raises her voice. 

"please Mina lower your voice, why did you just do that ?I have the worst hangover." 

"oh i know, I bet you cant even remember what happened last night right?" Mina crosses her arms making Chaeyoung internally giggle. 

"last night? umm we had dinner and drank a lot like a lot." Chaeyoung knew where Mina wanted this conversation to go but was saving that part. What Chaeyoung actually didn't remember was proposing a second time. 

"oh, that's all you remember?" Mina asks with a flat line on her lips. 

"i think so, I should not have drank that much last night. I really over did it. Why did you let meee" Chaeyoung said pulling Mina closer and giving pecks on her neck. This is what she actually had in mind when waking up this morning. 

Mina giggled at first then pushed her away. 'she doesn't remember.' She thought. 

"we should get ready to go. Class will start soon, Oh and I should think about moving back to my room. it's been ready for a while." Mina says a bit more sad stepping into the bathroom. She doesn't understand herself. They are way too young right? 

"what the hell?' Chaeyoung thought. She didn't want Mina to Move back to her own room. She loved waking up next to Mina everyday. She loved looking at Mina as she fell asleep every night. The way is was so easy to just turn around and hug her whenever she wanted. 

Mina looks in the mirror and starts crying. trying to cry softly but it was no match for Chaeyoungs ears. 

For some reason Chaeyoung could always hear Minas voice over all the others, even if she spoke very low which Mina did do most of the time. 

Mina was the only voice Chaeyoung wanted to hear out of them all. She put her ear next to the door and listened while she cried. 'She was hurt this much from me not remembering'

"Mina?" Chaeyoung says and knocks on the door lightly. 

she hears Mina sniffle. "give me a minute" 

Chaeyoung doesn't give it a minute and opens the door. Looking at her girl with sympathy. 

She slightly curls her lips while looking at her. 

"why are you looking at me like that?" Mina raises her eyebrows. 

"and why might you be crying miss." Chaeyoung walks over and back hugs her, looking at each other now in the mirror. 

"just feeling out if it I guess, sometimes you need a good cry." Mina lied. 

"oh, is that all?" 

Mina just nods while leaning the side of her head on Chaeyoungs. 

"do YOU remember what happened last night?" Chaeyoung turns the tables. 

Mina thought for a second while looking directly in her eyes "nope" 

"what about when I shouted 3 words at you?" Chaeyoung says nonchalantly.  

Minas eyes shoot open. She quickly turns around  and puts her hands on both her cheeks. 

"what did you just say Son Chaeyoung?!"

"mmm my head hurts?"

Mina rolled her eyes but still held onto her face. with hopeful eyes. 

Chaeyoung relaxed her face with a breath. "you think I would forget asking you this important question?"

Mina smiled. she put her forehead against Chaeyoungs and smiled. She connected their lips. It was by far the most intimate kiss they've ever had, It was slow but passionate. She wanted to cry again from this emotion. 

"now that we are completely sober. is that a yes then?"

"100 times yes. I want and know we are forever." they smile and kiss again. not wanting to let go because now they were so sane and ready. 

Mina parts from Chaeyoung and got an idea since Chaeyoung messed with her. 

"do you also remember the second person you proposed to last night?" Chaeyoung jumped a little, surprised from this question. "excuse me?!!" she shouts. 

Mina starts walking out but before she leaves she grabs Chaeyoungs shirt bringing her close "let me know when you remember, then we can celebrate out engagement in another way." Mina pecks Chaeyoungs lips and winks at her before leaving. 

Chaeyoung is left speechless with chills running up and down her spine. She had to figure out what the heck else happened last night. 

"shit" She said before stepping out of the room. Mina had already left. 

'this is gonna be a long day.' She thought. 


Still listening to that song as you can tell. XD 

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