More Tension

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As Mina walks back to the living room she sees that Chaeyoung is on the other couch instead of the two seater that they were originally sitting on. Mina starts getting ideas.

She goes back to her original seat and sets the snacks next to her where she knows Cheayoung can't reach them. As they are watching the movie Chaeyoung keeps peaking over at Mina wondering what she is thinking right now because she can't stop thinking about her hands on Minas thighs. 

'Chaeyoung please get your head out of the gutter. I mean i know I'm gay but damn she is someone you used to play with a long time ago just friends' She thought while getting a bit hungry. She noticed the pringles that she asked for were next to Mina on the other couch. But how to get them. . .

"Hey M-mina can i have the snacks?" she asks rather nervous. 

"If you want the snack you'll have to sit next to me." Mina said in a rather seductive way. 

Cheayoung holds her breath for some reason. She doesn't know what to say for a couple of seconds. But she is also hungry so she walks over nervously and sits next to Mina.  

She doesn't know what has gotten into her. She is usually super confident and self assured but Mina. Mina just made her quiet and nervous.

Mina hands over the pringles but as she is handing them to Cheayoung their fingers slightly graze each other. They both pause while passing the pringles, Until Chaeyoung slowly pulls them away and starts eating. "Thank you" she says quietly and start munching.

"Why did you sit all the way over there in the first place? Are you scared of me?" She says rather frank. 

"um of course not why would I be scared of you? I just thought you would be more comfortable by yourself since we hardly know each other." She says honestly while Mina just stares at her blankly. 

There is still tension in the air as she is looking at me, But Chaeyoung just keeps watching the movie quietly. As they're watching silently Mina can't stop herself from trying something she's had her mind on since the moment she saw Chaeyoung in that seductive skirt. 

Minas hands are on her lap. both just facing forward until Minas hand moves slowly over to Chaeyoungs side, Chaeyoung notices from the corner of her eye but doesn't say anything, because she secretly wanted something. Anything from Mina. She doesn't know where this sudden desire arose from.

Was it the moment she saw Mina standing smirking at the front doors? Was it the way she looked in her school uniform? Was it the way the skirt started to rise all the way up until Chaeyoung could see a little of her favorite place? All of these things were equal parts as to what Chaeyoung figured out what this tension was and she couldn't take it anymore, so she would let whatever was going to happen, happen.  


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