Where has time gone 🔞

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2 years later...

Mina and Chaeyoung have decided they would get married after they both graduated and got their lives a little more together. 

These past two years have been amazing. No Somi insight to distract them or interrupt their relationship. 

Ever since Chaeyoung threatened her, she changed her classes. Chaeyoung was a bit surprised and even felt a bit bad for the girl. 

She didn't tell Mina that though. They were so happy for two years. It was finally graduation year though so they had to think more of the future. 

After they told their moms, which was not surprising to them. Moms told them they supported them in every way and also agreed that they should wait until after they graduated. 

Since then they moved in together to Chaeyoungs dorm room. which is pretty much what they were doing before but Mina brought all of her things and they were already acting like a married couple. 

Chaeyoung got a job as a barista which was so hot for Mina. Their parents promised they would help them get an apartment if they put in half the money so Chaeyoung was working tirelessly at the shop to raise the money while still studying hard since she was an engineers major. 

Mina was still studying and got her bartending license to help out at night too since she didn't want Chae to be the only one making money. 

But since they were both working, that also meant that they had less time to spend with each other. They both got to their dorm at different times and they had to get up to go to class the next day. 

Every morning who ever woke up first would leave a note for the other and kiss them before leaving. 

It was the best thing every morning if they knew they weren't going to see each other but this was the reality of life, which they now realized. 

One day Chaeyoung missed Mina so much it had been a week since they actually sat down and looked at each other for more than 5 minutes or even said more that 3 words to each other from how busy they were. Those 3 words always being 'I love you' which they always made time for. 

Anyways. Chaeyoung begged one of her coworkers to switch days with her so she could have it off and go pick up Mina at the bar she worked at. 

She was so excited so she came up with a plan. A sexy plan if you will. Since it had been over almost 2 weeks since she has come in contact with Minas body. She went all out at got her blond hair back which had grew out to black again in these two years. 

She put on her leather jacket and tight jeans, did her make up like Mina liked and went off. 

She went to the bar/club Mina worked at looking so hot. 

As soon as she walked in she was getting hit on by plenty of girls. But she was only looking for one. 

As soon as she spotted Mina she put her game face on. Mina was definitely not expecting Chaeyoung right  now since she knew Chaeyoung would be working also. 

Mina was looking hot as well but it was partly her job. If she was nice to the customers she would get more tips. Chaeyoung understood that and didn't mind it as she was comfortable and confident in their relationship. 

She sits on the stool in front where Mina was making another drink at. 

"hey how's it going? what can I get you tonight?" Says Mina automatically without even looking up. 

Chaeyoung is amazed with how Mina works. 'she is mesmerizingly beautiful' Chaeyoung thought while thinking of a hot response. 

"a tall glass of you would be a great start." Chaeyoung said in a deep voice but not unrecognizable by Mina. 

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