Tensions rising

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'Okay great she wants me to meet her at the school entrance. where was that front that again?' Cheayoung thought as she was roaming the school trying to find the front gate. 

'Finally she makes it to the front after 10 min of being a lost cub, "I don't even know what Mina looks like how am I supposed to find h-' her thoughts were cut off after she finally made it to the entry doors and there was a sexy brunette smirking at her. 

"Cheayoung right?" Mina says still smirking at Chaeyoung. "oh yes that's me"  She suddenly got shy at how Mina was looking at her, "I've been watching you for 5 minutes. you looked so lost but it was so cute I wanted to keep watching you." she didn't notice that she was blushing while walking towards Mina. 

"So my mom says that you're going to be coming over everyday for a bit until your mom picks you up?" Mina says rather sassy. "yea I hope you don't mind its just that I live too far away from my house so my mom cant pick me up. I used to just walk home but now..." she just stays quiet. 

"okay so should we get going?" "sure" 

The walk to Minas house was very silent. There was some sort of tension between the two girls. Cheayoung couldn't really put her finger on it. the air just felt strange. They kept taking secret glances at each other. It felt like the longest 5 minutes ever. 

They finally arrived to Minas house and it was just the two of them. The whole time during the walk it was silent but it also felt like they both had something to say to each other. They enter the house.

 "So this is it my humble abode" Mina says nonchalantly "nice, I like it a lot." is all Chaeyoung says before asking. "wheres your mom?" "Oh she's working till late so it's just us for today." Mina says in a sort of seductive way. Which makes Chaeyoung become even more quiet. "Sounds great" Chaeyoung doesn't know why all of a sudden she has become so quiet. She has always been the type to ask questions or make friends very easily. But Mina intimidated her. She has this stare like she wants to eat her or something. 

"Soooo you want to watch a movie or something?" Mina asks. 

"Oh it's okay you can just do whatever it is you do if you want I'll just wait here. you don't have to be with me if you don't want to." Chaeyoung just doesn't want to be a bother to Mina since she know Mina probably doesn't want a total stranger in her house. 

"It's okay, we can get to know each other" Mina says while caressing Chaeyoungs arm. "uhhh yea sure, if that's what you want" Chaeyoung says while she is frozen due to Minas hand still on her arm. 

'Holy shit why is she touching me like that? and why did I just feel a tingle down down under?' Cheayoung thought while her mind was exploding over this small gesture by Mina. Was she that attracted to her? 'Damn you filthy mind you' 

Mina just sits on the couch and smiles at Chaeyoung, gesturing her to sit next to her. Cheayoung takes a seat next to her. The tension has gotten even heavier as they are trying to decide what movie to watch. They are both still in their school uniforms which means they're are both wearing skirts. 

As Chaeyoungs eyes keep roaming to unholy places. 'fuck, why do i keep looking down there! please you filthy mind just stare at the T.v. and smile. yes that is it just wait a little and your mother will come to pick you up you shit head.' all these thoughts keep running though Chaeyoungs mind. She couldn't help but think about Mina and her in a different situation,or a different position.  "I'm cool with whatever honestly" Cheayoung says quickly. "okay Ill just put this one. (insert random movie). 

"do you want a snack by the way or water?" Mina asks politely. "Yea sure what do you have?" 

Mina stands and waves to Chaeyoung to go with her to the kitchen. Chaeyoung follows slowly. Mina opens her pantry and shows Chaeyoung the different snacks she has. "okay so here they are I really like snacks so I make my mom buy me different kinds."

 "What about the pringles" Chaeyoung points to the top shelf. 

"You want those? sure one sec" As Mina starts reaching for the top shelf her skirt starts rising little by little and 'holy shit. Mina has a perfect body' Chaeyoung thinks while staring at Minas legs up and down. Chaeyoung starts feeling it again as shes is still staring but this time makes a move as Mina is still struggling to reach for the pringles on the top shelf. "here let me help you" She says as she puts her hands around Minas thighs and lifts her up. wow she didn't realize that she is that strong. 

Chaeyoung is about to die because she can't believe that she just did what she did as her hands are clearly toughing parts of Minas upper thighs. Mina froze for a second before grabbing the pringles that Chaeyoung wanted. Chaeyoung quickly puts Mina down and goes back to the living room without saying anything. Mina grabs 2 waters, the pringles and smirks while walking back to the living room herself.


This is getting interesting...

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