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A drunk Chaeyoung heads to the bathroom forgetting that she knew she was going to be set up in this exact position. 

None of the girls were in a sane state to think logically so this wasn't bound to end well. 

As Chaeyoung goes in, another person steps inside with her. 

Somi in a wig, with Minas scent she found out from her little spy and two moles on her face just like Mina. 

Chaeyoung relieves herself and drunkenly tries to find the sink to wash her hands until she looks up and sees her. 

"WiFFEyyy" She screams and jumps on Somi. "I missed you so much, I'm so glaD you came to the bathroom we Baarely had alone time after you said yes to meeeeee" Chaeyoung says giggling and clinging onto her, half screaming. 

Somi is surprised because she hasn't even said a word to Chaeyoung yet. 'I guess this wig was perfect after all' She thought while smiling and holding on to Chaeyoungs waist. 

Chaeyoung starts kissing down Somi's jawline and face. Missing her mouth from all of the lips that were floating around due to her current inebriation. 

"I missed you too" Somi smiles and suddenly gets shy kissing her too because this is what she always wanted. Someone to be in love with her. Someone to miss her. No one has ever talked to her in this longing way. This is what she wanted and needed and-

"yes to what?" Somi says as she is enjoying and taking advantage of all of these kisses from Chaeyoung her crush.

"I just proposed to you my little penguin and we are getting married as soon as possible, how did you already forget? Im not that dfrunLK"

Somi gets mad and sad and crazy now. "you what?!" 

"oh you just want me to do it again huh, well fine I'll do it a hundred times." Chaeyoung says now trying to get on one knee and continues. "I LoooVEEE you Mioyu Mina" 

The door swings open entering 8 girls with one on particular in the center.

"Will you marry m-!?"


Everyone looks at the owner of the shout and then to Chaeyoung who is still on the floor on one knee.

 Chaeyoung looks at her and then back at Somi and then back at Mina. 

"waiiit a minuteee" The small girl says pointing before collapsing on the ground. 

Mina rolls her eyes now sobered up 'she'll pay for this later' but first they had to take care of the bitch. 

They walk over to Somi and 2 of the girls hold her up as Mina rips the wig off. "You thought I was playing when I said you didn't scare me. If you don't back off of my girl you will have an actual problem on your hands."

Somi smirks and Mina is not done. She holds her chin to look in her eye. 

"What did you think was actually going to happen you easy bitch huh? Did you hear Chaeyoung? She loves me and It is always going to be me. You are a joke. Look at yourself." 

Somi didn't care. "not for long." she says laughing now like a crazy person. Is she drunk too? 

The girls look at each other and throw her to the ground hard. The rest help carry Chaeyoung out of the bathroom. 

Somi is still on the ground smiling, In her head it worked. Her plan worked out for her. She finally got an actual kiss from Chaeyoung. She didn't even have to force herself onto her like she had planned to do. 

'what should I do next' Somi thought while still sitting on the bathroom floor. 


They get back to the room and Mina is still fuming but she couldn't really do anything right now as she knew Chaeyoung was completely drunk at the time. They knew something like this was going to happen but were too caught up with their karaoke and the whole proposal that they forgot for a second before Mina head dinged by its self. Realizing that Chaeyoung was gone for a little too long. 

She walks over to Chaeyoung who is peacefully sleeping on her bed. she strokes her cheek moving the loose hairs from her face behind her ears.  

She calms down. "will you remember proposing to me tomorrow?" Mina whispers leaning to Chaeyoungs ear. Mina remembers the whole thing. She knows Chaeyoung was drunk but she still hoped in her heart that Chaeyoung did mean what she said because Mina herself answered truthfully. 

Yes. Yes she wanted to marry Chaeyoung even though they were still so young. This felt 100% like the right time. It was a gut feeling for Mina and she hoped it was for the smaller girl too. After being so indecisive with being together in the past. This was something Mina was sure about. It's like she didn't want to waste any time with her. Not wanting to waste a single second not being with Chaeyoung forever, telling everyone that 'she was mine and I was hers.' 

All she could do was stare at her girlfriend. Stare and smile. Her small perfect face and plump lips was all and was everything she needed forever. 

She went to bed spooning her girl not wanting to let her go even though she was still upset with the events that happened in the bathroom. Just thinking about that got her upset and was going to yell and mess with Chae tomorrow. "I love you" Mina once again whispers into Chaeyoungs ear leaving a few pecks her and there. 


I'm listening to this song called "strange" and it's making me write romantic stuff. hahaha

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