My girlfriend

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The girls get back to Chaeyoungs dorm room. (don't ask me why no one has a roommate. lol)

"lets get you settled and then tomorrow morning we can report it and get you new clothes and stuff" Says a still worried Chae. 

"thanks" said Mina why pulling her in for a hug. 

"I really didn't know she was going to do this Mina." 

"I know, I am not blaming you okay?" 

"I know but it's basically my fault." Chaeyoung says looking down now. 

Mina pulls her head up to look her in the eyes. "its not. How can you be blamed for someone's crazy ass actions? Did you tell her to do this? no right? so you can't blame yourself and neither am I"

"fine, I just hope that this was the end of her. She's fucking crazy." Chaeyoung says taking a seat on her bed. 

Mina snuggles in next to her. "she wants you that bad? What did you do with her?" Mina finishes with her eyebrows raised. 

Chaeyoung smirks "that's just my effect on people or girls." 

"ha ha ha very funny" 

"no? okay." She says and kisses the top of Minas head. 

"you should go get changed. here's some other clothes. 

Chaeyoung gets up and hands her a tank top and short shorts. 

Mina looks at them closely. "ugh this is the only thing you have for me to wear?" 

Chaeyoung looks at her "yup" and then looks away quickly as she knew what Mina meant. She had given her the tightest shirt and shortest shorts. for her pleasure of course. I mean she had to take advantage of her new girlfriend sleeping with her.

"okaay" Mina heads into the bathroom. She comes out five minutes later wearing the things Chaeyoung gave her. 

Chaeyoung looks at the bathroom door and sees Mina standing at the doorway. 

Her mouth instantly drops. "how can you make yourself look so irresistible." She says checking Mina out from head to toes. 

"please clothes your mouth baby" Mina says with a smirk and climbs into bed not acknowledging Chaeyoungs obvious cry. 

Chaeyoung frowns and tries to snuggle up next to Mina. 

"where will you sleep Chae?"

"Mmm I thought I... ugmm.. I'll set up some blankets on the floor." Chaeyoung panics and gets off of her. 

Mina smirks and shakes her head. "I'm joking Cub, come here." She finishes and opens her arms up for her girl. 

Chaeyoung comes back and basically tackles Mina back down and showers her with kisses. 

"ooh lets call my mom." Chae says really excited and sits up. 

"WHAT? why would we call you mom right now?" Mina says so confused. 

"she is 100% supportive of us, I think your mom is too. I want to tell her that we are together. She gave me some advise when I asked what to do about you" she says giggling. 

"fine but make it quick. I have other plans for us tonight" Mina says now kissing Chaeyoung neck. 

*They facetime Chaes Mom*

"Hey sweetie, any luck with Mina? you were so sad before"

"I was not that sad mom, and no no luck. She didn't actually want me" Chaeyoung says trying to trick her mom and Mina glares at her not showing her self on the camera. 

"that's too bad hun, I really thought she wanted to be with you too. I mean from the amount of hookups It was really impo-"

"mom oh my god really?" 

"what?! I swear you two were like bunny rabbits if possible. I was so tired of it but that's why I was so happy when you went off to college." 

"oh god Mom I was going to pull a prank on you but you just talk to much, look" Chaeyoung says and puts the camera on Mina. 

"Hi Mrs. Son." 

"oh shit hi Mina." 

"yea we are together now mom." Chaeyoung hugs Mina 

"wow! finally. really girls this was long over due. just try and think about everyone in the dorm when you are making that much noise, okay?"

Mina blushes and looks away, not being able to handle the embarrassment. 

"mom you just made MY GIRLFRIEND embarrassed!" Chaeyoung says but smiles. 

"got to go mom, talk to you later."

They hang up and Chaeyoung looks at Mina lovingly. She runs her hands through Minas hair. Enjoying the moment. 

She leans down slowly to give her girlfriend a soft kiss. 

Mina breaks away. "I liked when you called me your girlfriend." 

"I like saying it too. You are My girlfriend. *kiss* My *kiss* girlfriend *kiss* Mina *kiss*" 

That night was filled with not so secret sex any more. Finally in each others arms. and both excited to tell everyone that they were together. 

Would everyone be happy for them?

Probably not...


Pray for me, I might have covid. I took the test today... 

Anyways. I didn't know if you guys were tired of my smut so I didn't write it. But if you don't mind, then give me a little baby heart like and i'll do more. 

Also I guess i could have finished it there but Somi's crazy ass is still here fighting, so yea maybe 2 more chapters. 

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