The Plan

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"I'll show her. I'll make sure she knows what she's missing" Chaeyoung says with a smirk and a plan...

'Mina thinks she can really just forget about me huh?'

'that's not how it's gonna work here my love. I know she is gonna need me sooner or later.' 

"you'll see." 


That day Chaeyoung was determined to make Mina realize that she was the one Mina needed. 

So she made a plan. 

First, I'll make myself look super irresistible. Give my look a bit of an upgrade. 

Second, Get a new haircut; since her hair has grown out in the past two years, she will cut it how it was when they first met. 

The way Mina first saw Chaeyoung. 

Third, make her jealous. 

But how? 'I might need to find someone to help me out.' Chaeyoung thought as she was lying in bed that night. 


Chaeyoung decides to ask her mom for help.


"Why are you yelling child?!"

"I need you help mom!" 

"Okay but can you at least say hi to me first?

"Okay hi mom, please I need your advise on something."

"fine what is it honey?"

"Sooo, I'm in love with Mina."

"What!!!??" her mom says sarcastically. 

"This is serious mom"

"Yea I was being serious too. I have know that since you were in high school, now give me some new info." 

"Fine you were right okay and I decided to confessed to her."

"Oh shit you did? and what happened?" 

"She already had a girlfriend." 

"Now that is surprising. we always thought you two were in love with each other."


"Yea me and Minas mom. we always talked about you two ending up together but then kind of gave up when you didn't become girlfriends." 

Chaeyoung sighs 

"i don't think she ever liked me like that" 

"bullshit hun, there would have not been anything to talk about if we didn't know or suspect. You think we didn't know why you turned up the music so high in your room so loud when they came over?" they both chuckle after.

"Ohh yea sorry about that, so you think she liked me this whole time then?" 

"Yes! I don't doubt it. every time you two looked at each other we felt we needed to clear the room." her mom says sincerely.

"So what should I do mom? I want mina. I've wanted her this whole time but didn't realize it till now. I know she wants me too now." 

"hun, make her want you."

"That's what I was thinking too mom, thanks for this. I just needed a little push and also some money for my new hair and clothes." 

"okay fine. go get her Chaeyoung, but be careful. "

They ended the call and Chaeyoung felt a rush of confidence. 

The Next Day

(can you guys imagine a scene where there's background music and Chaeyoung is at the hair salon and mall getting a makeover? K thanks.)

Of course Chaeyoung looks hot.( I can't get over this look. do you guys feel the same?)

 do you guys feel the same?)

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First two steps were done. Chaeyoung kept looking at herself in the mirror. after she gets back to her room to get ready for the day. She even thought she looked good. 

Now time to find some more help. 

Chaeyoung heads into her first class. 

As she is walking to her seat she notices a lot of faces starring at her but she just ignored everyone. 

Chaeyoung was well known in her classes as the chill and cool artsy girl. 

Of course all the girls were wooing over her all the time but she never really seemed to notice any of them in that sense because there was only girl on her mind always. 


She sits down and looks around. she looks at a girl that is already starring at her. She has probably been starring at her since she walked in. 

This girl has been asking out Chaeyoung all year but never had enough attention from Chae. Sure she was gorgeous. Chaeyoung squints her eyes and thinks about it. 'will she make mina jealous?'  

Somi  (by request.)

Somi was kind of annoying but Chaeyoung knew she would not refuse anything Chaeyoung asked of her. 

Chaeyoung decides to wave at the girl for starters. 

Somi's eyes widen and her smile turns creepy as she starts waving manically. 

'okay this is it I guess' Chaeyoung thinks as she smiles back at the poor girl trying to decide what her next move will be.


Writing some more right now guys...

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