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That night Chaeyoung could not stop thinking about Mina and her face, her eyes, Minas nose and that mole on the bridge of it. Minas legs. Minas skirt rising up all the way up to h-

"Chaeyoung! come here!" Her mom yells from the other room. Chaeyoung rolls her eyes as her mom interrupted her dirty thoughts. 

"Yes mom?"

"Well you were very quiet in the car so i wanted to know how your first day went and if you got to the Myoui house okay." 

"ohhh yes, it was fine. People have been very nice at my new school so far so it's not so bad. Ummm the Myoui house was fine. I just texted Mina and we went to her house and started to watch a movie before you got there. nothing too exciting." Chaeyoung lies and waits for her mothers response.

"So it's okay for you to go there everyday? i mean your comfortable?"

"Oh yes mother i am more than comfortable. Mina is very... friendly." She says suspiciously with a smirk on her face. 

Her mother just shrugs it off because she knows her daughter is a little weirdo.  "Okay great I'm glad we got that settled." Her mom says and is finally able to relax knowing Chaeyoung if "fine". Of course Chaeyoung is more than "fine" as she really could not stop thinking about what tomorrow would bring as Mina and her would be alone again. 


The next day Chaeyoung had a huge smirk on her face. 'okay you are way too excited girl, nothing is probably gonna happen. just act cool' Chaeyoung kept telling herself.

Chaeyoung decided to text Mina.

-Hey Mina, are we walking together again? Should I meet you at the front again? Not sure if i remember how to get to your house on my own yet.-

'Ugh Chaeyoung you sound like a loser, you should've waited for her to text you or just showed up at the gate. why would you just-' her thoughts were cut off when her phone buzzed.

-Yea sure I'll meet you there after school Chae, of course i wouldn't let you walk on your own ;)-

Chaeyoungs mouth is open, okay Mina is definitely feeling the same things Chaeyoung is feeling right? I guess we'll have to wait until after school. 


Cheayoung had been counting the seconds for school to finally be over and she could see Minas face again. The bell rang and she immediately started walking to the front. but then thinks to herself. 'chill Chae chill slow down just be cool, damn- 

okay she finally slows down and starts coming to the school entrance. She doesn't see Mina yet so she decides to just wait and put her headphones in,

it's been 10 minutes but no Mina yet. She takes a seat on the steps and starts to wonder if she should just start walking or wait for her. Well of course she has to wait because she can't get into Minas house without Mina so. There she is waiting but she doesn't text Mina so she doesn't seem like a loser. 

She doesn't even know how long its been but now there aren't that many other students left outside just her and some other kid, probably waiting for his mom. 

Now Chaeyoung is kind of getting annoyed because first of all Mina said she would walk with her and second she didn't let her know that she would be late. Chaeyoung feels a little hurt almost so she decides to start walking instead because it's getting a little embarrassing just waiting there. 

As she starts to head in the direction of Minas house she hears behind her "Chaeyoung!!!" 

It's Mina.

When Chaeyoung hears her sweet silent shout she turns around and stares at her. Mina is now jogging her way towards Chaeyoung and Chaeyoung can't help but smile a little. 

When Mina gets to where Chaeyoung is standing she explains, 

"Chaeyoung i am so sorry! The teacher made me stay after school for falling asleep during class and I could't text you." Mina explains to Chaeyoung .

"oh yea I realized you were probably busy but didn't wants to bother you. you said you would meet me so I thought I should wait for a while longer." 

Mina just stares at Chaeyoung apologetically but Chaeyoung reassures her "It's okay thou! I was just going to try and find your house and wait there instead." 

"Please I'm sorry. I promise you I will make it up to you" Mina says as she strokes Chaeyoung arms. 

Chaeyoung freezes a little before saying " oh I am definitely expecting something in return for my patience." very nonchalantly.

'ooh nice Cheayoung that was pretty darn smooth' she thinks to herself.  She sees Mina raises her eye brows a little bit. I don't think Mina expected such a return from the shorter girl. 

They started walking to Minas house with obvious tension between them. They just stared straight ahead without saying anything. 

Chaeyoung finally breaks the silence. "Soo is your mom gonna be home today?" still without looking st Mina.  Mina turns to looks at Chaeyoung speechless. She thought she was gonna have to seduce the girl more but looks like it will just be fun from now on. 

"No, there shouldn't be anyone home today either, just you and me." She says with a deeper voice more seductive while still looking at Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung still doesn't look at 
Mina. She is sure that her cheeks are a non descriptive red by now. 

Geez how long have they been walking? 

Anyways, they finally get to Minas house...

Lets see how well I can describe this...

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