Wedding Part 2

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Its been a crazy week of planning  with their Moms. Trying to get hotels and a quiet ceremony. They have been so busy and today Chaeyoung got a message saying she had to cover a shift for someone at the coffee shop as a favor. Mina was so upset because they promised not to work until after the wedding and honeymoon. 

Chaeyoung felt bad also but this coworker has helped Chaeyoung so much and it was an emergency. Mina understood after some convincing in the morning.

Mina was in their apartment packing all the things for the trip. It was going to have to be a lot of things because of the extra stays but Mina was also getting a few other things packed as well. A few naughty things. 

Her friends helped her get the sexy lingered and bikinis. But she made sure to get something new. Something special. 

She was packing it but also laughing. "she will not expect this. hahaha" Mina said out loud. 

"not expect what?" Chaeyoung said out of nowhere scaring Mina.

Mina closed the suitcase quickly and turned around, trying not to be suspicious. 

"What are you hidinggg" Chaeyoung says playfully. 

"Mm ugh nothing Chaeng. I- you just surprised me." 

"you really think I don't know you huh Minari" Chaeyoung said stepping closer to her fiancé. 

"don't come any closer okay, its a surprise!" Mina said pushing Chaeyoung. 

"well you know I don't like surprises bebee" Chaeyoung says trying to open the luggage. 

Mina was a little stronger and didn't let her get through hugging her instead. 

"you'll just have to wait now won't you?" Mina says dragging her finger down her front. 

"Mina don't tempt me, we haven't done anything in a week and it has been hell"  Chaeyoung says begging. Bringing her lips to Minas neck. 

Mina smirked "chaeee" 

"mmm" Chaeyoung said still leaving kisses on her neck and down her chest. 

"Do you remember our agreement?" Mina said pulling away from her. 

Chaeyoung was panting. Already getting so hot from this small interaction. She put her hands on the bed. "Minaaa" I miss you so muchhh. every night when you hug me, I swear just your scent makes me so horny i want to eat you up every night." 

Mina raised her eyebrows and chuckled. "We just need to wait 2 more days and i promise our wedding night will be unforgettable. Plus I think It might even be more exhilarating if we wait till then. you agreed remember!"

Chaeyoung lay flat on the bed, whining and rethinking every decision. 

Mina just smacked her bum and finished packing. She was almost done and had to make sure Chaeyoung did not sneak a peak or find her little toys later. 


The next day they were flying to Hawaii, just 5 hours away. and soon they were going to be wife and wife. (Apparently they live in California. lol)

It wasn't as expensive as they thought and their friends agreed to go as well. With their Moms paying for most of everything. 

They also wanted the girls to have an amazing day. 

-------- (shiit I've never planned a wedding before.)

In the plane. 

Mina and Chaeyoung were sitting next to each other of course.

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