Cock blocker

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As Minas hands were moving slowly past the middle of the two girls. (because there was some space between them. ) It was like slow motion the tension was getting higher and the air getting hotter. 

When finally Minas hand makes it onto Chaeyoungs thigh. Chaeyoung just gasps silently without saying anything. as if nothing happened. 

She desperately wanted to straddle Mina right here right now but she is frozen. Literally frozen. 

Mina starts to move her hand slowly towards Chaeyoung center when suddenly. 


Both girls jump from their seats a little. As Minas hand is still on Chaeyoungs thigh, they both look at each other for the first time in what feels like forever. The stare that they gave each other was that of longing. Longing for so much more. A desire which if Chaeyoungs mom would not have honked, something else would have happened right then and there. Mina finally takes her hand off of Chaeyoungs thigh. 


Chaeyoung though before quickly grabbing her things and walking towards the door. 

Before she walks out though, she turns around gives a smirk and just says "see ya tomorrow Mina"

Mins smirks and watches Chaeyoung walk out. Mina knew this was gonna get interesting. 

Mina doesn't know what has gotten into her. She has never done these kind of things before or ever felt the need to do this to any other person. Let alone a girl. It was as if just looking at Chaeyoung made her crazy. Crazy  for desire, Crazy for want and need. I know they are only in high school but maybe their hormones are insane for each other. 

Mina also felt every inexplicable tension in the air that day. 'was this the same girl I used to play with? what is wrong with me?' She kept thinking. 

What have they gotten themselves into...


-Things are getting hot in here!!!-

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