Wedding Part 3 🔞

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Very long Chapter. Please enjoy ;) 

Chaeyoung woke up the next morning. Smiling, ready to stand next to Mina in front of the world. She got up and quickly took a body bath. Tzuyu and Dahyun came in early also to help her get ready. 

They ordered breakfast and ate in their room quickly.

Chaeyoung could not hold in her excitement. 

They were going to get married until 4pm which they thought was perfect so they can see and enjoy the sunset as they would say yes to each other. 

"did you talk or see Mina this morning? Is she as excited as me?" Chaeyoung asks the girls

"no she actually ran away because she really thought it would be a mistake" Tzuyu said with a serious face.

Chaeyoung lifted her head quickly and ran to the door. 

"Calm down Chaeyoung. Mina is getting ready and she is just as excited as you okay?" Dahyun said laughing with Tzuyu shaking her head. 


Meanwhile in Minas room

"ahhh what the heck am I gonna do with my hair?! how much make up do I put on? ah should I text my Chaengie? she is for sure freaking out."

"Mina! calm down! You don't need to text her. It's Chaeyoung. Of course she is freaking out. we still have a couple of hours. Well we have a long while so how about we go have breakfast and take a walk to calm down?" 

Mina thought about it and gave in. "should I put my dress on now?" 

The girls laughed, " not yet Mina its barely 8am" Jeongyeon said. 

turns out Mina was just as nervous as Chaeyoung. Even though there was no reason. both girls knew the other was ready. 


Both girls white dresses were very simple, complimenting each of them perfectly. 

One thing Mina didn't know is that Chaeyoung was actually going to go for a natural hair color for this day. That is why she was up so early, they found a hair salon and headed there after eating breakfast. 

Chaeyoungs Mom was already there waiting for her. She wanted to make sure everything was perfect for later. 

"Hun! hurry hurry look!" Her mom was pointing to a certain spot on the beach where people were setting up a beautiful arch and flowers. That is where they would get married. 

Chaeyoung and datzu gasped. the whole scene was beautiful. "ahh I cant wait seriously!" Chaeyoung started jumping up and down. 

"calm down Chaeyoungah.!! hurry lets get your hair done. Not sure if this will work with all this blond." her mom said. 

"I have to, Mina will be so surprised! She hasn't seen me like this since high school maybe" 

"fine lets go!" Mom said. 

Hair took a couple of hours and they were ready to go. 

"it actually looks better black" Tzuyu said. 

"I think I like the blond better" Dahyun said. 

It was always a debate with people on what their favorite hair from her was. (blonde for me)


Mina on the other hand was still stressing out because she couldn't decide what to do with her hair. 

"Mina just let it flow down, It will look so pretty like that!" Jihyo suggested. 

"Or you could do a pony tail, showing your neck? Everyone knows how much Chaeyoung likes you neck" Nayeon said making everyone laugh. 

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