for my weeb...

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Anyone watch Glitter Force on Netflix...? Just me okiiii this is prinxiety btw


Roman was sitting at his desk working on his Glitter Force fanart. He was TRYING to make Lilly...Virgil's favorite character but he JUST kept messing up. He sat on his bed with a huff. He just couldn't do it. Virgil walked into his boyfriend Romans room to tell him it was dinner time when he saw that his beautiful boyfriend drawing "hey Ro...watcha drawin?" Virgil asked and Roman quickly put the book away "oh..hey Virgil!" Roman said quickly "how is my beautiful knight in shining armor doing today?" He asked desperately trying to change the subject. Virgil smiled and sat on Romans lap "is my prince hiding something from me?" He asked and tilted his head. Roman whined "yeah...but I can't tell you what it is" he answered. Virgil frowned "b-bu why?" He asked again and hugged Roman close "not now mi amore...its a surprise" Roman responded and kissed Virgil. Virgil kissed back "its dinner time baby" Virgil said and giggled. Roman sighed  getting up for dinner.

After eating

Roman sat on his bed continuing to draw. His hands were achy and and burning. Do it for Virgil. He sighed putting his head in his hands. He started to sob "n-nothing I do is g-good enough!" Virgil walked into the room for cuddles. Roman quickly wiped his eyes putting and bit his lip. Virgil put Roman on his lap "hey...what wrong?" Virgil asked Roman. "I-I was trying to make Lilly in Glitter Force f-for you b-but I kept m-messing up!" Virgil looked over at the drawing "its so beautiful baby!" Virgil exclaimed. The drawing was TRULY breathtaking "r-really?" Roman asked and sniffled "yes!" Virgil said hugging Roman. Roman hugged back "I'm sorry for throwing a huge fit..." Roman cried out "its okay my you wanna watch Glitter Force with me?" Roman nodded "yes please" Roman responded and smiled lightly

Sucky...but the end

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now