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More angst. Happy ending though..I'm not THAT heartless


Roman was just innocently walking I the imagination when he saw a mirror. Oh GOD Roman HATES HATES them. Roman couldn't help looking into it and when he did it showed what was under someone's skin..all you could see was cracks. Roman KNEW he was broken. Then the mirror showed what was hidden from people. It showed Romans various cuts and scars. Roman screamed he broke the mirror and used the glass to cut his skin open. Virgil then teleported to Roman to show his something then stopped in his tracks "NO" he yelled then took the glass away "give it back!" Roman whisper yelled but Virgil shook his head "f-fine" Roman whispered to his boyfriend. Virgil sighed sinking out with Roman "baby..." Virgil whispered once they got to Virgils room. Roman looked up at Virgil whimpering "...why didn't you tell me?" Virgil whispered once again "i-it was my f-first time..." Roman lied. Virgil gently rolled up Romans sleeves but Roman yanked them back down. Soon enough Virgil managed to roll them up. As soon as he saw the cuts Virgil kissed them gently every single one got a kiss "you don't have to hide anything from me RoRo" Virgil whispered "its just so hard" Roman whined "I know its hard but we can get through this.."


One month later

"Emo Emo!" Roman cried excitedly "yes my darling prince?" Virgil asked wrapping his arms around Romans shoulders "I've gone TWO FULL DAYS without cutting!" Roman exclaimed. Virgil's face lit up and he kissed all over Romans face "I *kiss* am *kiss* so *kiss* proud *kiss kiss kiss* of *kiss* my baby" Virgil kissed Romans hair, neck, and shoulders. "I am too!" Roman paused for a second "thank you..." He whispered "you're welcome..I guess?" (Refrence)  "I love you" Roman whispered cupping Virgil's face "I love you too princey" Virgil whispered back leaning in to kiss Roman. They locked lips happy as can be

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now