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TW: REMUS TRYING TO RAPE PATTON. LOGAN SAVES HIM THOUGH. femboy Patton. No offense but if you hate on femboys get off this fucking book. My pansexual ass loves them


Patton wasroom olling through tiktok in his maid outfit. He had the like..dress with cat ears, a tail, garters, fishnets, and high heealed boots. He also had cat whiskers and blush. Patton had his door open a little when Remus peeked in. Remus opened the door fully smirking "well what do you have here?" Remus licked his teeth. Patton turned his head completely frozen "uh-uhm" Remus slowly walked towards Patton pinning his hands to the headboard. Patton tried to squirm away...he screamed but it was cut off by Remus forcefully kissing him


Logan POV

I was reading when I heard Patton scream MY Patton's scream..but it was muffled by something. I quickly got up and ran to Patton's room


3rd POV

Logan kicked down the locked door seeing Remus on top of Patton with his knee on Pattons uhm...well...how does the author say this..no no square. Patton CLEARLY hated it and was trying to push Remus off of his his skirt lifting up just making Remus stay longer. Logan fumed grabbing Remus and throwing his across two room "OUT. DONT YOU DARE THINK YOURE GOING TO LOOK AT MY BOYFRIEND AGAIN. OUT!!!!" Logan screamed
(Basically his falsehood scream but in full sentences)
Remus thought about "oh a 2 in 1 I might like this!" He got up but was thrown again by Logan. Logan picked Remus up by the throat "kinky..I think I like this already" Remus rubbed his knee against Logan's but Logan wasnt dealing with this shit. Logan squeezed Remus's throat tighter. Patton was crying...he got up off of his bed afraid of it. Patton ran to Virgil's room

Virgil POV

I was sitting on my bed when I saw Patton run into my room mid panic attack. I sprang into action "what do you need pat?" I asked softly "o-one of y-your h-hoodies" Patton stuttered "of course" I got out one of my hoodies and helped Patton change "th-thank you k-kiddo" Patton smiled weakly "its okay" I said. We got Patton's breathing under control and I asked what happened. Patton told me all of it. I was enraged. I gave Patton a stuffy and walked over to Remus who was choking. I gave him a huge punch breaking one side of his face "FOR HURTING PATTON YOU BITCH" Logan kicked Remus so hard in the nuts he probably would need surgery to fix it

3rd POV

Patton walked over to Logan with a hoodie and shorty shorts. He cuddled the stuffy Virgil gave him. Patton walked up to Logan and hugged him..he trusted Logan not to hurt him starting to whine. Logan smiled picking Patton up and giving him his pacifier. Virgil smiled at the two "I'll go get Janus to take care of Remus.." Roman heard Remus and walked into the room seeing Patton sucking his paci, Virgil singing a certain song, Logan tracing Patton's abs with his fingers, and Remus on the floor beat up as hell. Roman tilted his head and his boyfriend Virgil explained "Remus tried to rape Patton so me and Logan joined forces beating the shit out of him" Roman stood on Remus's stomach and jumped. The sides couldn't die but they could get broken bones and still feel pain. Janus showed up and carried Remus out "I know he didn't mean to...his thought just took over" Janus said. All of them nodded "we're sorry for hurting him" they all said but Patton babbled out random things considering he was a little right now. Janus nodded "he can't die though. He'll wake up with no pain good as new so its okay" they all nodded again but Patton just chewed on his cookie chewie. Janus smiled "thank you all for understanding" he walked out. Patton bounced a little bit stimming
(Patton has autism in this)
Patton babbled out nonsense still flapping his hands and bouncing. The other two went to cuddle and Logan sat Patton on the bed "I love you baby" Logan says sweetly "uv you too dadda!" Patton said flapping his hands harder and suvking his passi more

Da end. Sowwy for that!

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