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Our queen JoJo came out. Anyways still numb and dying. Am I going to do anything about it? Nah. Am I going to drown my feelings in fan fiction and tiktok? Yes.


Logan couldn't take it anymore. He just COULDNT. He had so much work to do today! He just needed to yell but kept his cool. He walked downstairs and saw Patton washing dishes "heya lovely!" Patton greeted his boyfriend not looking up from the dishes "Salutations" Logan spat sitting down "you're doing it wrong!" Logan yelled walking over to Patton. Patton flinced...Insanity was in a current relationship with him and let's just say it wasn't good... "I-Im s-sorry" Patton stuttered working harder "no you're not! You're just a CHILD. Adults don't date CHILDREN PATTON!!" Logan screamed. Patton started to cry "MAYBE WE SHOULD TAKE A BREAK THEN!!!" Patton yelled back "BECAUSE APPRENTLY YOU CANT HANDLE MY INNOCENCE. WELL IVE GOT SOMETHING FOR YOU LOGAN. I FUCKING LOVED YOU!!!" Patton screeched and the whole house went silent "fine" Logan whispered in a stern voice. Patton ran to his room and slammed the door in heartbreak

The next day

Logan awoke without...Patton? Patton usually slept with him due to his nightmares. Logan walked to the sobbing sides room opening the door "good morning beautifu-" Logan was about to say but was cut off by a "FUCK. OFF. LOGAN!" from Patton.  Logan's eyes widened "w-what?" He asked "OH REALLY??!!? YOU JUST FORGOT WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?" Patton sobbed into Insanity's head. Insanity had shown up that night to "comfort" Patton. Logans eyes widened "...what's going on?" Logan asked "oh. YOU had a fight with Patton!" Insanity argued stroking Patton's cheek. Patton nodded curling into Ian's (Insanity's) embrace. Memories from last night flooded back to Logan "teddy bear...that wasn't tr-true" Logan whispered "yes it was!" Patton sobbed back "no.." Logan whispered pushing Ian off of Patton "don't let him touch you" Logan growled out. Patton tried to crawl back to Ian failing. Patton just gave up and completely broke down right then and there "hey..hey. Love?" Logan asked looking over to Patton. Patton sobbed into Logans shirt "yes?" He asked weakly "I love you" Logan whispered "I love you to Logie-bear. No matter what...I'll always love you" Patton cuddled Logan "forever and always penguin. Forever and always" Logan kissed Patton's head smiling

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now