my innocence is long gone bitches

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Logicality. Its based off of the tiktok in my message thing.


Virgil looked between Logan and Patton. Patton sitting on Logans back evident he was holding something back. Virgil rolled his eyes "aight y'all. So we know how big Logans brain is Patton how big is yours?" Logan looks at Patton with a mischevious smile "if you looked at my baby's brain you'd see theres balls and a twig. You don't use big words with him because he's thinking with his dick" Logan responds rubbing Patton's thighs. Patton lightly slaps Logans side "not tr-true!" Patton argues. Logan smiles "of course not lovely"

Virgil is traumatized

Patton was a flustered mess "meanie" he whined. Logan chuckled kissing Patton's neck "your meanie"

Virgil wants to ask one more personal question " big are they?"

Patron giggles "7 inches". Logan licks Patton's neck "11 inches"

Virgil chuckles "Romans is bigger than yours Logan" Roman slides into the room "I am a proud 13 inches-"

Patton shakes his head "hell naw!" He screeches. That would fucking hurt. Virgil has a pain kink though so i guess its good. Logan gulps looking at Patton "now don't get jelous Patton" Patton wheezes "Logan you know I like it gentle. Yours is perfect" Logan nods "good"

Virgil chuckles getting on two knees in front of Roman. Roman of course being the easily flustered himbo he is turns I to a blushing mess. Virgil rolls his eyes "cmon fuckbuddy" he drags Roman by the collar to his room shutting and locking the door

Patton giggles "little did they know I was the top. Awh Logie don't worry. You're just a bottom with power..I am the submissive bottom". Logan blushes " shush"

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now