the ghost of two theater kids (prinxiety)

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Yeah this about the book aboves chapter. I found it cool and got a fanfic idea so yyayyy anyways enjoy!


Roman POV
I was wondering around the backstage looking for my bestie. But he's also my BIGGEST crush. There was a show at my old preforming place before I killed myself in 1976...and I want to watch it with him "Virgil?" I called out to him

Virgil POV

I heard my best friend call me. But also like humongous crush. I rush over to him I use to preform here as well before I got electrocuted in 1977. I ran into his arms "Roman!"

3rd POV

"Virgil!" Roman held Virgil in his arms "the shows about to start hot topic" Roman said and chuckled. Virgil scoffed and asked with a pleading look "can we scare the homophobic idiots in the audience?" Roman chuckled "Virgillll why would you even ask?" Roman said and Virgil frowned a tear rolling down his cheek he started to ghost cry. Roman smiled "I was going to say of course we can. Mayybbeee we could kiss in front of them?" Roman said and blushed
Virgil nodded "please?" He asked Roman nodded "of course mi amore" Virgil blushed and the seats started to fill in. Virgil ran over to someone with a Trump hat on and the person got VERY scared when they saw Virgil. Next Roman appeared and the people got even more scared. Roman dipped Virgil and they started to make outbin front of everyone. Once they pulled away they played with the lights and dissapeared "Virgil?" Roman asked Virgil. Virgil looked over "yes Roman?" he responded. Roman dipped him "I love you my stormcloud" Virgil giggled "I lobebyou to my prince" they kissed the same way they did in the auditorium giggling the whole time

I was reading a book and came to this part and oh my god it reminded me SOOOO much of prinxiety I HAD to write it

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now