Remile exclusive!

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Hey beans im back! I uhm i needed a break and feel REALLY bad like REALLY bad anyways im back and better than ever. Enjoy the Remile exclusive!


"REMMYYY IM HOMMEEE!" Emile yelled
Remy ran out of his room as fast as possible and hugged Emile. Emile dropped his suitcase and pushed Remy off of him Remy fidnt take it personally though he knew some patients could argue with Emile, Emile went to the bedroom and kicked the door open he then grabbed his pillow with rainbows on it and started to wrestle it. Remy knew something was wrong Emile NEVER got this mad so Remy walked up to his and took the pillow. Emile then started to grab his coloring books and threw them across the room Remy cleaned them up. Emile just stopped and sat in a corner and started to have a mental break down, Remy ran over to Emile and plopped his in his lap giving Emile little kisses and telling him stories Emile just cried into Remys shoulder and clinged to him like a koala, "im so sorry sorry Remy i was being ignorant and miserable im so sorry its j-just been s-such a stressful d-ay" Emile appologized frantically and Remy held him "youre okay love i promise im not mad at all ive got you its okay" Emile calmed down and after he did Remy asked Emile something "love can i check your arms?" Remy said these words because Emile used to cut so Remy would check his arms every day for 3 years now Emile has only slipped 4 times Emile hesitantly rolled up his sleeves revealing 3 fresh cuts still bleeding Remy gave Emile a sympethetic smile and brought him tk the bathroom where he got bandaged up "Emile did you put on matching socks?" Remy asked and Emile nodded looking confused "well at least one thing went right today" Emile giggled and hugged Remy Remy hugged back and kissed Emile Emile kissed back they kissed for a while only pulling away to breath Emile held onto Remy after they pulled away for the final time "i love you coffee queen" Emile said "i love you to my cartoon  king"

Happily ever after

Well that was hectic but like so is life rn hehe anyways love ya guys! (No homo!)

~your fwendo who isnt giving up on you guys <3 ^w^

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