prinxiety soulmate AU

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Virgil walks through the halls of school looking down at his arm. His soulmate was drawing hearts on his arm. Virgil giggled drawing a heart beside Roman with the words 'I can't wait to see you my love' he smiles a little walking through the halls when his bully Liam shoves him into the lockers kicking him and spitting slurs at him. Suddenly Roman the gay and popular school prince shows up "and what do you think you're doing spitting out those words? HHm?" Liam rolled his eyes "who's asking you?" Roman chuckled "and who was asking you to be a bitch?" Roman punches his face "leave him alone you piece of shit" he instantly goes to see Virgil "hey can I see your arm? It looks like it might be bleeding. Whatever you're comfortable with you amazing Royal" Virgil smiles softly pulling up his sleeve and seeing his soulmate marks. Roman goes frozen "uh-uhm...well" he rolls up his sleeve showing the same marks and some...self harm scars??? "Hey. Lovely why didn't you say anything about that?" Roman blushes "well- uhm- it uh.." Virgil holds his face "its okay love" he chuckles "now get your ass up and get me to the nurse" Roman giggles "of course darling" he picks up Virgil bringing him to the nurse "hello! He uhm ran into Liam and needs some help" the nurse nods taking Virgil much to Romans dismay "c-can I be with him?" He asks. The nurse nods leaving Roman and Virgil together they held hands looking at each other from the nurse bad


And that leads to now. Roman and Virgil on their deathbeds holding hands with their arms covered in doodles "I...I love you" both whisper taking their final breath. Holding hands just like how it all started

The end

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now