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TW:  blind! Romandeaf! Patton

Yeah...I got an idea..yay. I am currently writing this in my fathers old bedroom extremely homesick and just want to lay in my bed...I just want to be back home...I want to lay in my bed...I just wanna be home..


Patton sighed as he set out dinner...another day he has to try and hear. Roman was helping Patton and they did their fist bump "I don't wanna live...but we're here ffooorrr..." This was their thing. They had made it up "Virgil!" Roman said "Logan!" Patton said. They both looked at each others depressed eyes. Next thing you know here comes the other two light sides! "Hey Vee!" Roman said in a very convincing happy voice. He couldnt see Virgil...but that's okay "hey princey" Virgil said "hey Lo!" Patton said best as he could. He would NEVER hear anyone's voices...but he could see them. "Salutations Patt" Logan responded and got breakfast. Roman had on his usual sunglasses and Patton had on his usual clothes. Patton sat down so did Roman. The smarter trait and the anxious trait were ALWAYS suspicious on why Roman wore sunglasses..but they never asked. Yes that were always suspicious on why Patton pit earbuds in that never played music..but they never asked. Until today. Today Virgil and Logan were asking. "Roman, Patton. I would like to have a TALK with you two"
Logan said. Patton and Roman tensed up "alright n-nerd" Roman said and adjusted his sunglasses "why the hell do YOU wear sunglasses 24/7?" Roman tensed more "w-well they look good on me-" before Roman could finish his sentence Logan ripped the sunglasses off of his face. They gasped when they saw Romans foggy eyes


Romans POV



*can't see...*


*weird eyes...*


I ran out of the room sobbing


3rd POV

Virgil ran after his love "Roman! Come back!" He yelled and grabbed Romans waist. Roman yelped "V-Virge..." Roman stuttered out. Virgil turned Roman around kissed him  deeply. Roman kissed back. They pulled away for air "I love you. You can't see me. But I love you" Virgil said. Roman kissed Virgil again...somehow it was filled with more passion. Roman pulled away "i-i love you too Virgil...and I don't NEED to see you to know that" Roman responded bringing Virgil into a tight embrace


With the smart cookies B)

Logan looked at Patton for a second "so...morality-" Logan started but Patton's face changed into a slightly angry face "Patton, Patt, or dad. I settle for those. Not morality. Yes..I am Thomas's morality, but I am NOT morality in this house. Period." Patton said in a raised voice. Logan nodded "Very well...Patton. Why do you where earbuds with no music?" Logan asked. Patton tensed up "well- i- i-" Logan looked down and asked a question to test his theory. Patton stayed completely silent "oooohh alright!" Logan said and smiled "you're deaf. Why didn't you inform me of this?" Logan asked again "well...I didn't want you to well- make fun...of..me" Patton responded shakily. Logan chuckled getting up. He tilted Patton's chin up "why would I make fun of the person I love the most? I may not show it baby...but I love you" Logan stated "I love you two teach" Patton responded smiling. He grabbed Logans cheeks and smashed their lips together. Of course Logan kissed back. Logan wrapped his arms arms around Patton waist pulling them impossibly closer. Patton wrapped his arms around Logans neck. When they pulled away out of breath Logan said,
"we—should kiss—like this more—often"
(— are breaths in)
Patton nodded "agreed"

De fwicken chicken end

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now