Game night

82 2 2

Will include: Remile, Demus, Logicality


Patton was sitting with Logan their hands conjoined on the floor knee to knee, Roman and Virgil were sitting on the couch Virgil in Romans lap, Emile had his head in Remy's lap, and Remus was in between Janus's legs. The gang was planning on playing the pocky challenge! And were in their positions. They had already explained the rules and were a bit tipsy so this was going to be fun. Janus and Remus were going first. They had a pocky between them and they started to bite till they got to the middle. When it broke Remus whined "but I wanted to kiss Janny" Janus rolled his eyes "finneeee" he kissed Remus and then it was the Remile couples turn. They had a pocky between their lips and it broke at just the beggining next it was the logicality couples turn. They failed but Logan gave Patton a kiss on the cheek anyways. Next PRINXIETY and it also broke.

The second round

Roman and Virgil were first. They succeeded and they kissed for like 5 seconds. Virgil wasn't comfy with anything more (and that's why we love Ro) and the Remile succeeded. They kissed for like 11 seconds they all succeeded the Demus couple going a little far but okay the Remile couple also was real short

Remus wanted to make out with his Double D (get it?) And then started the ChapStick challenge

The Demus couple was first so Remus licked Janus's lip "cherry?" He asked and got it right. Next was the smartcookies. Patton out it on and he and Logan kissed "cookie dough baby?" He asked Patton and he nodded the Remile two went next. Emile went at it "uuuhhh...Remy did you choose coffee?" Remy nodded and the PRINXIETY lovies were next. Roman kissed Virgil's lips for a little but Virgil surprisingly let him kiss him longer. Roman pulled away and guessed "grape?" Virgil nodded

Patton yawned and so did everyone else. Remus snuggled into Janus "J...can I sleep?...please I need it" Remus whined and Janus nodded "//no//" and they went upstairs to their rooms. Remy carried Emile to the basement while Roman slept with Virgil on the couch. Patton held Logan and they went back to Logans room

"Goodnight my beautiful Cartoon king"

"Goodnight baby blue"

"Goodnight amorè"

"Goodnight my rat baby"

Idk I just knew I needed to get a chapter out XD have a great day!

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now