✨prompts✨ day 4 (❤remile🖤)

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No one dies in this XD it's pure fluff


Remy had everything ready. He and Emile were gonna go on a park date and then he was gonna purpose. He was nervous as hell but he and Emile had been dating for like...3 years and this was their anniversary so yyaaaayyyy. Anyways Remy got the ring ready and everything like that ready. Soon Emile got home from work "hey babes" Remy greeted "hello sweetheart!! How was your day?" Remy's smiled "it was great hun. How would you like to go to the park for our anniversary?" Emiles eyes lit up "YES!!!- I mean yes please" Remy held Emiles face "bitch you don't have to be so nice around me but good job with using manners. Okay I've got everything ready let's go" Remy picked Emile up bringing him to the park "Rems wasn't the whole point of going to walk?" Remy chuckled "are you implying you don't like this?" Emile shook his head violently "nope!!" He said enthusiastically "that's my amazing boyfriend" Remy put Emile down though walking around the park. Emile spotted a playground that was empty so they could play and practically screamed. This was the time of day no one was out so they could play freely "you're so childish but I love you so let's go" Emile ran full speed at the playground and sat on a swing "this is my first time on a swing!!!" Remy stared at Emile surprised "really?" Remy asked "Mhm!! My momma and papa never let me go to playgrounds but their shit asses are in the ground!! Can you push me Remy?" Of course Remy was going to. He knew Emiles parents weren't the best and that they never let Emile do anything fun and honestly did not give a shit about him. Remy came up behind Emile and gently push him. And when Remy tells you he hasn't saw a brighter smile he wasn't lying. Remy smiled happily watching Emiles legs go in and out "this is so much fun!" Soon Emile hopped off and hugged Remy "thank you babe" Remy smiled "of course love bug." They walked off into the distance and saw a squirrel. Emile get excited about that too. Eventually they came to a stop at a beautiful hill with the sunset in full view "this is so pretty" Emile whispered. Remy sits down and sets Emile on his lap. Emile leans into Remy's chest watching the clouds. "That one looks like a Dino" He points to it giggling. Remy hums a giggle "so Emile.." Emile looks over at Remy "yeah?" He responds "we've been dating for 3 years correct?" Emile nods "well i- uhm.." Remy starts. Emile turns around in Remy's lap "it's okay Rems. You're safe." Remy takes a deep breath "we've been dating for awhile...and I know you love me. I love you. We are like puzzle pieces or whatever...and I was wondering.." Remy got down on one knee next to Emile "Emile Picani...will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Emile screams happily "YES YES 1000× YES!!!" Emile throws himself into Remy's arms. Remy kisses all over Emiles teary face "I love you SO much" Remy whispers. Emile puts his head to Remy's "I love you too"


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