prinxiety....barbie girl

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This is Roman angst! I got some inspiration!!!


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Roman was at the dinner table not wanting to eat at said he was undeserving of said he was said no one cared. He didn't want to worry Patton or his boyfriend so he never said anything...he let it all out through song.

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world,it's fantastic! ,

Roman envisioned himself running through the imagination with his brother as a toddler happy as can be

my heart is plastic
You can brush my hair, and touch me anywhere

He watched as his father walked slowly up to him "you'll like it my child~" He slowly pulls Romans pajamas off. His mother laughing in the background

Someone save me, from this bad day dream

Roman is pulled to the side by the villagers. Roman had accidentally caused a loss 9f water...he was getting repeatedly beaten and no one would let his prince aka Virgil help...

I'm traped inside this doll house with no escape

He watched himself in the mirror with Virgil behind him "Roman you're so handsome" Roman wanted to believe him but just couldn't "I love you Virgil" Is what he settled on saying. Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman "I love you too baby"

they all just dress me up , and make me play their games

Janus had Roman hypnotized. Roman walked around the mind palace with his glowing yellow eyes...he was just praying 8t would end soon

they all think that im perfect but its all fake

Roman rises up into the common area "HELLO EVERYONE!" His booming voice calls out. It sounded happy but he knew it wasn't..

Blonde hair and plastic body covers the pain

Roman was currently screaming into the imagination cutting into his skin "FUCK!!!!"

NObody can hear you scream behind a picture perfect smile

He covered up the scars with foundation. His clothing covered it mostly up though...

NOTHINGS ever what it seems behind these walls its all a lie

Roman was trying his best to keep up his smile watching as his life fell apart right before his eyes

if only you could really see what happens when u sleep

Roman was screaming again. He was so angry and deppressed. He just wanted his happiness back

if only you could really see what happens underneath

Roman quickly puts the blade down watching the blood seep through his white clothing

I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world,it's fantastic! ,

Roman was cuddling with Virgil "you okay Roman?"

"Of course Vee!"

my heart is plastic

Roman didn't feel anything anymore...he kept up the energetic persona. He was dying inside

You can brush my hair, and touch me anywhere

Janus walked up to him "time to have some fun RoRo" He chuckled darkly

Someone save me, from this bad day dream

Virgil watched horrified as Roman finished the song jumping off the balcony. Their prince was gone....

The end

Sorry y'all. I can't be nice forever. Thank you sooooo much for 2k and over reads y'all are amazing!

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now