WATER CYCLE and dancing in the rain

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Just trust me on this one. I might make a decent one later also another request by the AMAZING weirdofangirl12


'Everyone has their guilty pleasures right?' Logan thought as he did the water cycle dance on repeat in the rain he finished it for the third time before starting again "water water water water water CYCLE cmon yall get down with the water cycle!" He sang and chuckled at himself "precipitation water falls down! Accumulation water gathers all around!" He twirled around with glee when he heard a giggle he slowly turned around seeing Patton. His long time romantic interest "s-salutations Patton" he could only think in that moment 'abort abort!' But stayed still "oh hey Logie! I was just coming outside to admire the precipitation we're having" Patton said and hugged Logan. Logan awkwardly hugged back when Patton suddenly dipped Logan "how about we do a different dance? Hm?" Patton spoke. Logan nodded rapidly "please" he said. Patton nodded and danced around with Logan. Logan taking the lead. At one point Patton put his head on Logans shoulder and said "do you want to know something Logan?" Logan nodded and whispered "yes Patton" Patton closed his eyes "I love you. More than a friend..." He said shakily "I love you to darling" Logan spoketh and kissed Patton's hair. They had a very cuddley night....but suffered a cold in the morning

Eehhh its shoorrttt but thank you for the request! I might do a prinxiety one! I know its usually Virgil who hangs out in the rain but I switched it up a little. HOPE YOU ENJOYED!

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now