age regression

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                             it is.

TW: age regression or little space ig. Patton has autism and stims in here as well

Idk I figured that might be triggering

Onto the chapter! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o


Today was an interesting see today Roman and Patton were VERY SUOER DUPER HORRIBLY...just...sad. But...something helped with that. Little space or age regression. God it helped. Their boyfriends were there though so it was oki.

Patton was in the living room when Logan walked in. Patton whined making grabby hands "Wogan...Wogie!" Patton said in his toddler voice. Logan smiled a knowing smile putting Patton in his lap "hello baby was your day?"

(The nickname's not supposed to be like that...don't take it that way please. It just comforts Patton :)

Patton whined and whimpered. "Don' wan tawk abou' it" Logan nodded "alright bb" Logan kissed Patton's forehead. Patton giggled and flapped his hands lightly. Logan played with Patton's hair "are you happy my beautiful baby boy? Are you?" Logan smiled caressing Patton's cheek. Patton bounced "y-yeah! I happy! I happ baby boy!" He babbled out flapping his hands harder. "Great...I'm so beautiful baby. I love him more than anything" Patton made happy noises and whined happily. Roman walked in the room and once he didnt see Virgil he started crying "Viwgil! My Viwgilll whewe is he?" Roman cried out. Virgil ran to Roman "hello my baby...I'm here...I'm here...daddas here"

(Again...not in a bad way. The nicknames are just for comfort. All the sides are ace (just give kisses and cuddle. Not s*x) in this. So if you're uncomfy please just don't read)

"Why did you w-weave me?" Roman sniffled cuddling into Virgil "sorry baby...I was in the bathroom" Virgil responded cuddling Roman back "dadda pwease don' weave me 'gain" Roman said shakily "I won't...I promise" Virgil said in a promising tone "dood (good)" Roman declared giggling "now dadda pwease...put in 'ap" Roman demanded "alright baby...daddy loves you.." Virgil says putting Roman in his lap "daddy's baby loves him too..." Roman Nuzzled Virgil's chest " how was your day..? You don't have to answer I was just curious" Virgil asked. Roman whined "d-daddys baby isn't d-dood. O-other people k-kee' sayin...I am u-ugwy and n-not-t d-desewving of y-yous and what-t I get...I a ba' baby...I sowwy tan weave m-me now..." Roman sobbed out "no no...who said that?" Virgil asked kissing Romans head "a-a baby h-hate gwoup o-on tumblw-w" Roman said breathing picking up " here. Dadda loves you..he's not mad at you. You deserve everything in the world. Don't listen to them...please don't listen to please don't. They're lying...please don't listen to the voices in your head telling you they're right. They aren't. Please...please...don't listen baby..dadda loves you" Virgil pleaded "b-bu' what if deyre wight? Dadda! What if theys wight??? I don't w-wanna b-be a ba' baby. I sowwy!! Pwease don' weave! I sowwy!" Roman slowly pulled away from Virgil. Virgil pulled him back "its're not a bad baby. You're the best baby ever. They say they're right but they aren't. What are they saying?" Virgil held Roman closer "sayin dat you onwy pity mes. And you don' wuv me...they sayin I'm a bad baby and I don' desewve you...dey tewwin me to die...dey tewwin me to k-kill m-myself.." Roman stuttered out the last part. Virgil's eyes widened "NO! I You're staying here...please..don't leave daddy. Daddy loves you. You're a good baby. Baby...please. No...don't prince..amorè, love of my life, protector, princey, Romano, Roman, sir-sing-alot, glitter blood, prince Don't leave me. Please...please!" Virgil held Roman close pleading begging doing AYTHING to keep Roman here. "I-ill stay...fow dadda...but gots to hewp camt do it on own..." Roman stated "okay...daddy will do anything to keep you 👏 y 👏 thing 👏"  Virgil says clapping between syllables "otay..dadda...I wuv yous" Roman nodded along "I love you too baby. Let's get some sleep" Virgil picked Roman up smiling "otay..daddy tan you sweeps wifs mes? I don' wan sweep on my own...daddy is much nicer to sleep with" Roman stated. "Alright baby boy" Virgil held Romans head up and kissed him. Roman smiled kissing back. They pulled away and headed to their bedroom snuggling


With da smart cookies

"Daddy?" Patton asked/called smuggling into Logan "yes baby blue?" Logan answered "I tink I'm weady to teww abou' my day..." Patton began. Logan nodded "whatever you're comfortable with" Logan said smiling "otay...dees (these) people teep sayin dat...dat...I'm a bad dad..and I spwit cweativity I didn' doe. Why people tink dat? I fought to kee' cweativity awive..and dey s-say dat...dat...they will kiww me...and if they don'...I should do it myself. Dey keep suggesting buiwdings.." Patton snuck up Logans shirt "baby...dont...don't. They are meanies. And if they try to kill you daddy Logan will protect you. Daddy won't let my baby get hurt" Logan pet Patton's head "wh-what ifs youwe not dere?" Patton asks getting panicked "I'm never leaving baby blue" Logan whispered "what ifs change youw mind?" Patton asked his bottom lip quivering "darling...daddy won't leave you. Never ever ever ever. Daddy's not leaving" Logan reassured Patton "o-otay...daddy tan I get huwg?" Patton asked again "yes my little boy" Logan gave Patton a not tight but secure hug "fanks daddy Wogan" Patton whispered "anytime baby boy...." Patton giggled "daddy...I ams tiwed...daddy pwease..I haven't got sweep in days...daddy pwease let me sleep..." Patton begged cuddling more into Logans chest "why wouldnt daddy led you sleep? Daddy loves you..daddy loves his baby boy and will do anything for him. Daddy loves you and will bring to your bed to sleep-" before Logan could finish he heard Patton say "no daddy don' leave me! Daddy please stay!" Pretty quickly. "Don't worry baby. We're cuddling" Logan giggled "yay! I get daddy cuddles!" Patton exclaimed "of course" Logan cupped Patton cheeks and kissed him lightly. Patton kissed back hugging Logan

Im bored...*sigh*...I cancelled chapter pt. 4 because I was just..bleh. I'm tired. Kill meeeee I wanna die wanna die but don't really wanna die. I just really wanna die. *grabs knife* eh heh. Alright peace

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