"shush and go back to bed"

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Another list of writing prompts because I honestly love these

Prinxiety btw.

TW: overworking, light Roman angst (my favorite)


Roman sat down on his bed. He's been trying to come up with an idea all night. His boyfriend Virgil was sound asleep next to him. Roman sighed and started talking to the sleeping figure. Little did he know Virgil could hear every word "hey Vee? I can't come up with any ideas...I need to be better huh? God I wish you were up...please wake up. I really need *sniff* to hear your voice...p-please" Roman choked out trying to hold back tears. Virgil smiled over at Roman "hello love" Virgil said. Roman gripped Virgil hugging him close "Viwgil..." Roman cried out "I know..I'm here. Your perfect just the way you are. You didn't anything wrong. I love you" Virgil spoke gently "otay.." Roman says like a toddler "okay now amorè shush and go to sleep. I'll cuddle you all day tomorrow" Virgil said giggling "otay" Roman cuddled into Virgil climbing up his hoodie. Virgil kissed the small amount of Roman he could still see "night night.." Roman said then he got the best idea...love story

Da end

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now