Valentines day!

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I am such a Remus simp wow weirdofangirl12 thank you for the rewuest!


'oh god...Ventines day'

All of the sides thought

Logan POV

OH NO! I know its supposed to be a day to ask for a valentine but...Patton would never say yes! Oh no..icky emotions. I have a certain attraction toward Patton and DESPRATELY want him to be my valentine but NO emotions had to get in the way of my life...ugh



Logan grabbed Patton's wrist dragging him into his room "WHAT THE FUC-" Patton screamed turning around to kick Logan. Logan grabbed Patton's foot "just me" he said calmly. Patton nodded "whaddya need Lo?"

Logan reached in his pocket bringing out a bouquet "would you like to be my uhh..Valentine?"

Patton nodded hugging Logan "of course!"

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