Virgil: "seriously...with him???"

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Thank youuuu weirdofangirl12 for requesting this :))


Roman giggled as the light sides sang together

"It'll be allrriigghhtt
It'll be alright
Its gonna hurt for a bit of time
So bottoms up let's forgett tonight
You'll find another and you'll be just fine
Let her gooooo it'll be alright"

(If you know that song ilysm)

Roman looked over at Virgil while he was singing and slowly stopped. Roman knows deep down he has a crush on Virgil but he's never admit to himself..he's talked to Patton a little bit and Patton tried to convince him of this but he just..couldn't. Roman and Virgil were enemies.

Virgil, the enemy (as his own voices thought) and Roman the enemy (as HIS thought)

They couldn't...they know that prinxiety is one of the #1 Sander Sides ships..but so many people shipped Roman with people other than Virgil. They would never work out. People would be disappointed in Virgil and Roman didn't want that happening. "Like what you see glitter blood?" Virgil said snapping Roman out of his trance "well- yes- no- uuuhhmm" Roman stuttered out tapping his foot anxiously "hey. Stop being anxious. That's my job" Virgil says giggling. Virgil saw the blushing cheeks of Romans. He started to grow a blush too

*I do NOT have a crush on Roman...I can't.*
Virgil thought

*well just LOOK at him..he's so beautiful and muscular his muscles in that tank top..*
Virgil's thoughts fired back at him

*shush. Please*
Virgil thought again.

They pulled up to their hotel. Roman and Virgil got out and so did Patton and Logan. Patton and Logan started whispering to each other "hey Lo" Patton whispered "yes love?" Logan whispered back. In the same tone Patton answered "ready for the plan?" Logan nodded

They all walked into the hotel and saw two beds. Roman and Virgil's mouths fell open. The hotel had two rooms with one bed in each. Roman looked at Virgil and Virgil looked at Roman. They sighed starting to unpack their stuff  "hey emo if you want me to sleep on the floor I can" Roman suggested "no Ro...its cold on the floor. You can sleep up here with me" Virgil responded blushing "oki" Roman got their clothes put away since Virgil was passed out on the bed. The ride was long. Roman finished still extremely tired. When Roman was tired he was loopy. He laid down next to Virgil closing his eyes cuddling him. Roman fell asleep starting a nightmare

Night mares...GO!

Roman was skipping in Daisy's when a hole appeared under him..he was seeing where he was going so he fell into the whole. In the whole was complete darkness...nothing more. Roman was wondering around when suddenly Virgil showed up "hey princey" he said walking towards Roman. All of a sudden Virgil slapped him "bitch really thought I loved him...HA no. I hate you. You drive me nuts..yknow what Roman? Die...kill yourself guess who will one Roman. NO ONE. I have the perfect building...the one your in now. Its 2,000 feet high..go. Byeeee seeya. No ones gonna miss you!" Virgil then disappeared. Roman started to sob hyperventilating. He couldnt breath he was suffocating..


Roman was suffocating.. Virgil awoke "hey..Ro. Its Virgil.." Virgil held Romans face gently. Roman jumped into his lap. Yes he knew what Virgil did to him in his dream bit he knew Virgil wouldn't do that in real life "shshsh its okay..its okay. I'm here...I'm here. You're safe. No ones gonna harm you" Virgil stroked Romans hair. He started to sing gently 'Like I'm Gonna Lose You' by Meghan Trainor. Roman started to cry "stormcloud?" Roman asked. "Hm?" Virgil answered "I love you.." Roman said shakily "I love you too prince charming" Virgil responded. They both leaned in..parting their lips for a kiss. Their eyes fluttered shut and their lips locked.. Their stomachs felt like beautiful butterflies were flying around the fireworks went off and everything fell into place. The last puzzle price they needed was each other..and they finally realized it

I hope this worked weirdofangirl12 (just in case the tag at the top didn't show up I tagged you again) I tried my best at a kissing scene XD

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now