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Dunno. I don't have a plan. Just cruising along. Band AU


Roman played with Virgil's piercings "when do you have to go again..?" Virgil sighs "two hours" Roman sniffles a quiet sniffle "please be back soon. It gets many people want to have you" Roman held back a shake of fear remembering a text message or threat he got from one of Virgil's fans "I would never leave you. I promise" Roman nodded an unbelieving nod. Virgil got out of bed getting boxers and a T-shirt on "I don't wanna wear pants today" Roman giggles "you have to VeeVee" he said. Virgil groaned "I wanna cuddle with youuuu" Roman shakes his head "you have a brunch with the band" Roman responds "ugh. I know. They getting annoying" Roman nodded "understood".

After Virgil's dressed

Virgil leaves "bye baby" Virgil kisses Roman for like 3 minutes "bye dearest" Roman rushes Virgil out the door and once he shuts it again starts to sob into his knees. This was always the case. Virgil left..he sobbed. Romans breath hitched as he heard a loud knocking on the door. Roman looked put the peep hole to see someone he didn't know. His eyes were so watery he couldn't see the numbers on his phone and if he could his shaky hands would fail. Romans face went white. This was the exact description of the man that texted him. Roman got to his knees and managed to call Virgil. He got no answer...he left a message

"Hey babe it Roman. Just wanted to say I'm sorry if I ever hurt you. I love you. Oh god Virgil I love you so're the best husband a gay could ask for. Tell your new future husband about me okay? Don't forget me. You're the'll always be my favorite person. Bye stormcloud...I love you"

Suddenly the mysterious man opened the door grabbing Roman and bringing him to his van (heh) Roman squeezed his eyes shut then heard a scream. He turned over to see his kidnapper on the ground with an angry Virgil beating the shit out of him. Roman chuckled a little. Virgil kept throwing punches and screaming "DONT HURT MY FUCKING HUSBAND YOU PERV. I THOUGH MINETA WAS THE BIGGEST PERV BUT YOU BEAT HIM YOU SUNNA BITCH"
Roman screamed. He was currently on a burning seat and had a knife stabbed in his arm "baby I'm so sorry" the little emo in ripped skinny jeans rubbed Romans back. The knife wasn't that far in. Just enough to hurt. Romans done worse to himself. Virgil took it out putting pressure with his hoodie "yknow I could suck your blood and turn I to you" Virgil brought Roman beside him "I know you're going to suffer even more trauma over this...I'll keep you safe princey" Roman nodded snuggling into Virgil "thank you.." Roman whispered "let's go inside love..its cold" Virgil picked Roman up bringing him inside "why you leave your thing?" Virgil sighed "you think I was gonna let you alone with THAT voice message?" Roman shook his head "it was a desperate cry for help

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now