Fire Drill

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I'm gonna try with this one



Patton got up with a grunt as he heard the alarm blaring. He put music in running outside. It was FREEZING. all of the students were bunched together the teachers just wanting to get this shit done and over with and he couldn't blame them. Patton spotted his boyfriend immediately running to him "cold" Patton whispered shoving himself into Logans chest. Logan giggled "I know honey. I know" Logan held Patton's ice cold hands. Logan giggled "you're adorable." Patton nodded "jus' gib me da warmth" Logan nodded running his warm hands up and down Patton's back and thighs "thank you Logie" Patton whispered earning a kiss from Logan



Roman ran out of the school. HE COULD SEE HIS BOYFRRIIIEENNDDD. this was just a drill people no need for the worries. Virgil was standing on the sidewalk with his phone when Romans freezing body crashed into Virgil "hello VeeVee" Roman got on a shaky knee kissing Virgil's hand. Virgil rolled his eyes "come here you himbo" Roman got up melting into Virgil's embrace "you're so niiiiccceeee" he whispered. Virgil giggled "oh am I princey?" Roman nodded "mhm" Virgil rolled his eyes "you're lucky I love you" Roman giggled "I know you lovely emo nightmare" then they both made out in front of their bullies



Remus grabbed the rats out of the vents and pulled himself out of the school. He ran to see Janus when he was hit with a cold breeaze "jaaannnyyyyyyyy" Remus whined. Janus rolled his eyes "we can't have sex in the middle of the school parking lot. We can hug though and that might warm you ya hoe" Remus whined "noooo I wanna se-" Janus put a finger to Remus's lips "no my love. Now hug me" Remus nodded hugging Janus "I love you daddy" everyone looked at them but Remus just giggled "you adorable idiot"



Emile ran out of school greeting his wonderful boyfriend "hi Remy!" Emile greeted shivering. Remy took a sip of his coffee "hey baby- oh cmere you nerd" Emile ran to hug Remy. Remy sighed "now babes why didn't you bring a jacket" Emile shrugged "'m not surrreeeee" Emile said. Remy rolled his eyes bringing Emile's lips t his "you're adorable when your face is all frosted up" Remy bit his lip. Emile sighed "Rems not now" Remy shook his head "nah" Remy pulled him into another kiss "you're lucky I love you ya sunnava bitch. As you're a bottom and you fucking know it" Emile pulled the taller man down by the collar connecting their lips

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now