secret ❤❤💜💜

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Secret relationships


Roman scratched as he awoke from his beloved slumber. He looked over to his boyfriend straddling his waist "get upppp"

Virgil groaned "I'm up I'm up!!"

Roman leaned down and kissed Virgils lips "you have to pretend to have me again, mi Amor"

Emo smiled "that's alright. Now, I know you're not ready to tell them surprisingly, but we have to eventually. I love you okay?"

Roman nods "I love you too Vee. Let's get our video making on"

During the video

Roman looked over at Virgil with a small smile "your voice sound like nails on a chalkboard"

Virgil smirked "well your singing voice sounds like Fiona trying to kill that bird"

Princely rolled his eyes "yeah right!!!"

Virgil snickered "and you kiss like a first timer-"

All the sides looked to Virgil and Roman

"Pardon?" Patton asked tilting his head

"Oh fuck it" Roman responded jumping into his tallers arms and kissing him while flipping the others off.

Virgil smiled into the kiss deepening it and bringing them upstairs "good job babe"

"Thanks my darling Emo"

Everyone was just shocked "well...that was...interesting" Logan said shrugging and continuing.

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now