Touch starved...

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TW: touch starvation, breakup, mentioned moceit

Patton was laying on his bed cuddling his stuffy. This has been going on for WEEKS Patton laying in his room craving his boyfriend Janus's touch...but lately, Janus hasn't been around. To be honest Patton never really..wanted a relationship with Janus. He wanted one with Logan and Logan wanted one with Patton (Patton of course didn't notice this) so he just sulked in his room. 

Logan 3rd  POV


Logan was in his room when he heard crying from his love's room. Logan tip-toed out to Patton's room 

3rd POV


Patton was sobbing his eyes out when he saw Logan. Logan ran up beside Patton to comfort him "Hey, it's okay. I'm right here Patton" Patton melted into the touch "H-he isn't here for me!!" Patton cried out. Logan ran his fingers through Patton's hair "I know...I know...but I'm here for you. I promise." Logan pecked Patton's lips which- of course- resulted in a blush from Patton " ones ever kissed me before..." Logan was a little taken aback considering Patton HAD I repeat HAD a boyfriend...but he saved the questions "Well I'm glad to be your first." Logan connected their lips again...this was a life changing night. 

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now