poor patt suffers pt. 2

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Mentions of menstrual cycle so beware! I warned ya!


Patton came home with Logan and they layer down on Patton bed and cuddled. While Patton was cuddling Logan his cramps got really bad and he whimpered "L-Logan...it hurts so bad!" Patton cried out. His parents were never ever home so Patton could do whatever. He figured out he wanted to be 'Patton' instead of 'Pixie' so he changed his name and everything and his parents could never judge him because they were only home for 2 hours every year. Logan shushed him "sh sh sh baby it'll be okay" Logan got up to get Patton a heating pad when Patton just started crying out of no where. Logan brought Patton with him which made his Patton happy. Once Logan got the heating pad he put his on Patton's stomach and gave him an advil "here you go baby blue" Logan said using Patton's favorite nickname which made Patton bounce a little "I wuv you amorè!" Patton smiled bouncing still "I love you too" Logan responded and chuckled at the happy Patton

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