demus fluff because i said so >:)

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Remus got up off of the bed deciding to annoy Janus "JANUS!!" he screeched. Janus came running into the room "what's wrong baby are you okay??!!" Remus pretended to pass out. Janus rushed over to him "wake up bitch" Janus responded to Remus's actions. Remus got up "Huggies?" Janus sighed hugging Remus. Remus hugged him back taking his hat "MINE!" he yelled getting up to run away. Remus ran to the bathroom getting undressed "you can't get your haaaAAATTT" Remus mocked. "Test me fucker" Remus giggled "I'll take a shower but I have to have you haatt" Janus contemplated the offer "fine". Remus chuckled like a little demon spawn turning on the shower and getting showered. While Remus was showering Janus decided to make cookies "he's lucky I love him" Janus rolled his eyes opening Remus's favorite cookie dough and popping it in the oven. Next Remus came out with Janus's hat and a towel around his waste. Remus started to run from Janus Hus towel falling soon after. Janus grabbed Remus's waist "nice try you vinalla piece of shit" Janus whispered into Remus's ear. Remus whined "let me goooo I have a croptop I wanna weaarr" Janus tolled his eyes "okay bye bye baby. I'm making cookies my little gremlin!" Remus squealed "YAY!!"

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now