youre face... (❤prinxiety💜)

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TW: death, Romans face gets ripped off, Virgil kisses Romans "face", gore, blood, tell me if there are more!!!


Roman was in the back of the stage working the curtains. For some reason there was this weird complicated machine thing that was rough on the ropes but whatever. He was about to push the button when he saw a screw was loose. He best down in front of the machine with his face really close to it and accidentally hit the button. As soon as he did Roman was thinking a mile a minute. He felt his nose get caught in the machine and his face pulling away until it was completely gone. All you could see was Romans skull. He was alive for about 2 more minutes until he had a heart attack and died. One of the kids who was working with Roman saw the whole thing play out and have 911 on the phone and fell unconscious. They had witnessed a death. As soon as they got up they closed their eyes sobbing and ran to Romans boyfriend "dead!!!" Was all they got out. Virgil got up and ran to the back of the stage seeing Roman lie lifeless on the floor. He chuckled at the sight "even dead he's hot" Virgil casually walked up to the bloody body kissing over the skull "RIP RoRo....but this" Virgil held up Romans severed face "is going in our living room. I know you're not gone Roman" He was in complete denial but he knew what happened. He did have....part of Roman. Still with him though. Virgil held the dead body as the paramedica filed in ready to take it to someone to get cleaned up and what not Virgil ripped off Romans head "you can take the rest of him" He chuckled holding the head close "and if you don't..." Virgil pulled a gun out of his pocket "instant regret sweety" He put it back kissing the skulls face hoping Disney magic would come to life "mmmm they're going to miss you Ro" He chuckled darkly kissing the skull again. He may not have had the alive Roman but this was enough.

Over the past weeks Virgil has kept the head with him at all times. He kissed it every day and brought it outside like him and Roman did. Until he got to see Roman again this was HIS. Only HIS.


a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now