hes not gone!!! (🖤logicality💙)

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TW: gore, death, treating a corpse like it's still a human, murder, tell me if there are more!!!


Patton was walking home from the store. Nothing special really happened all he could think about was how boring today was. It was fine though. Suddenly out of no where someone dressed in all black came out from behind a dumpster and shot Patton. Patton was gasping for breath wanting to get home. He called Logan in absolute pain "L-Logan get the cor-corner I love you" His breathing went out as soon as Logan reached the now dead Patton. He picked the softy up and silently cried into his chest. He wanted Patton to be here. No Patton was here!! He's still here!! Was all Logan could think. He called Roman and Virgil "Patton was shot. He's okay though" You could hear heavy breathing over the phone but Logan kept his calm "he's stopped breathing and his heart has stopped beating but he is not dead" Logan hung up the phone bringing to corpse home and bandaging it up. He put it in his bed and tucked it in like how Patton would tuck Logan in before bed. Logan kissed the corpses head climbing in bed and cuddling with it. "I'll have to put you in the freezer for awhile tomorrow don't want you falling apart my love" Logan smiled cuddling Patton's dead body like it was still breathing. In the morning Logan got up and shoved Patton in the freezer. Roman and Virgil kicked down the door "where the hell is Patton???" Virgil asked frantically "in the freezer. He was hot" Virgil looked like he was about to pass out and Roman already had "LOGAN WHY DO YOU HAVE A DEAD BODY IN YOUR FUCKING FREEZER??!!!" Virgil screeched. Logan looked down "HE'S NOT DEAD VIRGIL!!" he just yelled back. "HE'S NOT GONE!!!" he yelled again. Virgil had his head in his hands "yeah Logan I love him too but you don't shove him in your freezer!!!" Logan hangs his head "hes. Not. Gone" Was all he got out before grabbing a revolver out of his pocket teary eyed "get out" Virgil put his hands up "LOGAN!!! THIS ISN'T WHAT PATTON WOULD WANT!-" Virgil starter "GET OUT VIRGIL!!!" Virgil grabbed Roman off of the floor and ran out of the house. Logan gets Patton out of the freezer and kisses his cold dead lips "I love you" He whispered and would do anything to hear it back. Of course he wouldn't so he just hugged the body close "Love makes you crazy..." He whispered holding Patton closer

The end

Yeah I'll give y'all fluff-

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