✨prompts✨ day 5 💚demus💛

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I should probably update my little space book more but motivation go


So sorry about that if you're reading it. I'm going to my dad's this weekend and it will probably end up getting updated


Remus sat down on the railing of the stairs waiting for Janus. Janus was his boyfriend of 2 months and they are already planning a wedding. Anyways he's just waiting for his wonderful snakey. Janus ends up where Remus is and gently lifts him up off of the railing "hello baby. How wasss your wait?" Remus giggled bouncing in his boyfriends arms "It was okay. Much rather have been with you though" Remus giggled happily. "Awwww is my boyfriend happy?" Janus asked in a rare sweet tone. Remus nodded quickly "well that's good. How about we go and get a quick ssssnack okay?" Remus nods. Janus knew Remus had a really bad day today and just wanted the trash man to be happy. Remus of course appreciatee the efforts "I love you, JanJan" Janus smiled "good. Because I love you too, Re" Janus kissed Remus's head going to grab some candy apples and popcorn "movie?" Remus's eyes lit up "The Wizard of Oz please" Janus held Remus's face and fed him a candy apple "howssss it tassste?". Remus smirked "wanna have a taste for yourself?" Janus smirks as well quickly kissing him after pinning him against the wall. He got some apple pieces from Remus mouth a licked his lips "tastessss good! Thanksss love!" Janus pecked Remus's lips again putting in the movie. Remus stood against the wall flustered as hell. Eventually he got up and went over to Janus sitting down on his lap and watching the movie. He LOVED The Wizard of Oz with all his heart..hell he even read the book about it!! Remus finally relaxed into Janus's arms and slowly started to fall asleep. Janus smiled kissing his rat mans head "goodnight my love" Remus giggled "nini Janny"


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