Roman i dont want this for you...

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TW: attempted suicide, heavy Roman angst, prinxiety, abuse, screaming, self harm, past toxic relationships, sex mentions, probably more idk-

Sorry y'all I'm just...too far gone to he fixed at this point. I've been so numb from repressing everything. I can't feel anything. Nothing. Just want to pick up the blade. The dysphoriya and trauma is hitting hard. I need a way out. Now.

Roman held his elbows he was just beaten again...his dad wouldn't give him a break. He'd been sexually abused, physically abused, verbally abused, and worse then you've ever thought possible. He looked at the ground shaking violently. He picked up his knife pressing it to his skin. The way his blood trickled down his arms...the stinging finally satisfying him. He needed this. The blood red and thick dripping onto his white shirt. He smiled pressing the knife into his arms. This was so good. So bad but so good. "Finally...." He whispered getting up. His mind led him to the balcony. His stared down at it "the prince can save the damsel...but who's going to save the prince?" He chuckled slipping over the balcony "watch me be free...spread my wings and fly to the cement" he then thought about a note getting up and writing it

Your prince,

         Sorry to everyone. But life's getting too much. I need to feel something again..but its not happening here

Logan, it was nice seeing you act emotionless. Around everyone except Patton. You love him dude. Thank you for being there for me but you're not going to have to deal with me anymore. Farewell

Patton, thank you for making me food. Sorry to say it but I just threw it all up. I'm too fat to inhale anymore. Thank you for being the dad I never had

Remus, thank you for bandaging me up and just being the best brother...I love you big bro. You're my world. I love you bro

Janus, sure're my ex. You fucking beat me to hell. Wanted me for my sex. Not for anything else. You fucking asshole. I still love you.

Virgil, I'm so sorry princess...I wasn't planning this at all. I was staying for you my love. Keep fighting for me. Don't think this has anything to do with you because it doesn't. Love you...sososo much. More than Janus

Keep going. Without me. Without the arrogant me. You don't need me...please move on without me. Love you guys...fuck you Janus



He watched as the blood stained the paper

"Is this what you want? Is this what HE wants"

the boy turns to his bed seeing an angel... "Virgil doesn't want me..." He whispers

"Yes he does" the angel whispers back

Suddenly the door bursts open "I heard the news and came gay away" Virgil rushed out grabbing the first aid kit and turning to Roman seeing him holding onto the outside railing of the balcony. Virgil immediately grabs Roman pulling him up over the balcony and dropping to the floor with him " please don't go...please" Virgil sobs holding Roman in his arms "IM SORRY!!!" Roman screams gripping onto Virgil for dear life "I know baby I know...its okay its sh sh...I don't want you to...please don't" Roman nods sneaking up Virgil's shirt just wanting to be close to him "I'm paralyzed...where are my feeling I'm lost and it kills me..." Roman whispers "okay'll be okay" Virgil holds him in a death grip "Ja-Janus came by and...and he f-forced m-me to h-have se-se-sex with h-him" Roman stuttered out "I'm so sorry my Prince...I'm so sorry. I'll talk with him mkay?" Virgil picked Roman up bringing him to the bathroom "bl-blade" Roman reached for it but Virgil picked it up before him "no no little princey" Roman whined "o-okay" he looked up at Virgil with watering eyes "I love you.." He whispered     "I love you too RoRo"

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now