hoodie 💜❤

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Prompt #6: Wearing each other's clothes

By the hearts you could probably tell it's prinxiety XD


Roman sniffled softly. He missed Virgil. So he did what he normally did and went to grab his hoodie "that's better.." He untended at the scent of vanilla and caramel. To Roman it was the exact scent of relaxation.

With the warm hoodie he wanted hot cocoa. Roman took off his makeup putting on (Virgil's) PJ pants. He hugged himself wanting Virgil to hold him.

The prince got his hot cocoa sitting on the counter and whining as he drank it. He knew if Virgil was here it would taste better.

He went over to the couch and got wrapped up in, of course, Virgil's blanket just surrounding himself with Virgil items. He turned on The Nightmare Before Christmas sitting back and watching it the whole this reminding him of..you guessed it, Virgil.

Just then the door opened quietly (considering it was 2am and Roman was supposed to be asleep) but the the emo heard the TV. Virgil being Virgil decided to scare Roman walking up behind him and tickling his sides.

Roman squealed throwing his empty mug to the side. He looked up and saw Virgil. In a panic he wrapped the blanket around himself afraid Virgil would be angry he stole it without permission.

Virgil tilted his head "why are you shaking Princey?" He slowly sat beside Roman to clam him. "I didn't think I scared you THAT BAD"

Roman smiled softly "uh-uhm nothing dearest"

"Don't even try to lie to me. You know you cant. Now unwrap the blanket so I can cuddle you properly dumbass"

Roman sighed in defeat unwrapping his blanket.

Virgil awwwed hugging Roman close to his chest "missed me huh?"


Virgil chuckled "I'm sorry for being done for so long babe. I was fucking Logan"

Roman scoffed leaning into Virgil "no Logan fucks Patton we know this"

Virgil snorted "silly you. You know I'd never do that though right?"

"YES. Yes I know. If you did you'd damn sure leave me" he giggled

"No youre just a softy. Now come here I want to cuddle you more"

Roman nodded cuddling Virgil's chest "I'm so gay for you"

"Feeling shared lovely prince"

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now