...im sorry...

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This based off of a rp and its Demus-

TW: self harm, passing out, crawling in vents, rats, hospitals

Remus was cuddling with a sleeping Janus when his stupid thoughts came up for the fifth time today...

*you could legit smash him to pieces right now*


*do it*



Remus got up giving Janus a big stuffy, pillows, and blankets so he won't know Remus is gone. Remus ran to the vents and climbed in a secret passage. He didn't want to hurt Janus. He spotted a loose nail

*run your wrist across it*

Janus slept for a little bit and woke up feel bet-hey where’s Remus?
He got up and looked around the house, no Remus. He went to the attic and basement, no Remus. He dreaded doing this but he crawled through the vents, “Remus? Remus are you in here?”
Remus was sobbing as quietly as possible. At this point he was just lost...a trail of blood behind him. He started to feel a bit dizzy..he didn't care though. He needed to get away.

*make a trail of blood out of his blood*

Remus gave up he curled in on himself just sobbing "I'm the monster..." Remus whispered
Janus crawled through the vents more, reminding himself how to get out, then saw blood, “Oh shit.” He followed it faster for it to show Remus, “Hey, Re, let’s get out of this tight space ok?”
Remus was really dizzy. He held his head..it felt like the world was spinning. He weakly tried to crawl more "I can't hurt you..." He whispered
Janus saw the blood come out of his arm “Oh Remus...” Janus took off his shirt and wrapped it around the arm to stop or slow down the bleeding, “Re you could never hurt me. We are almost there just stay with me a little longer.” Remus was skeptical but tries to stay awake and listen to Janus


Remus couldn't do it anymore...he passed out. Janus gasped and ran Remus to the ER. Remus was given treatment. Janus looked at Remus from his hospital bed "hello darling" Janus said crying. Remus couldn't speak yet but he could move...Remus brought Janus in his bed whispering "home..this isn't home..." Janus shook his head "we'll go home in a little rat" Janus whispered back "tan we do things...?" Remus asked. Janus chuckled "no my love you need sleep" Remus huffed "okay"

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now