period pt. 2

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Pt. 2 of my being an absolute idiot while baby.

Also this is a rant chapter so deal with it


Virgil trudged through the hall trying to deal with the cramps and constant hurting of de thighs. (I always feel like my legs are gonna give out-) his boyfriend Roman ran over to him "hellooo Virgil!" Virgil just grumbled in response "oh- well wanna ditch this place and go home?" Roman asks and Virgil nods quickly "carry me. Cramps fucking suck. I am damn cursed and wanna fucking die. The damned knife in my uterus and dysphoryia isn't helping either. I'm out of pads as well so take me to the fucking bitchy ass store peasant" Roman nods picking up his little darkling carrying him to the car and to the store "get me the heavy flow and a bottle of Advil please? Y-you don't h-have to th-though.." Virgil whispers
'Ah the mood swings'
Roman thought. Walking inside

Whilst is in da storreee

Roman got the pads and Advils walking u to the stores clerk "hello!" Roman said cheerfully putting pads on the counter. The store clerk eyes him "who are these for..?" Roman took a double take "uhhmm my cat" the store clerks eyes widened "da fuck" Roman did a mental forehead slap the slapped money on the counter grabbing the pads and running outside

Out da store

Virgil saw Roman walking out then made grabby hands towards the box "gib" Roman handed Virgil the box looking away as Virgil quickly placed one in his undies "thanks princey" Roman nodded "uh huh" he sat Virgil on his lap going home "I love you baby" Roman whispered kissing Virgil's neck "love you too RoRo" Roman smirked "yknow we can do something to help you out" Roman whispered. Virgil looked over at him "what?" Roman smirked whispering it in Virgil's ear. Virgil turned bright red "oh my god Roman the cramps are HORRIBLE. I can't do THIS ANYMORE. oh gosh I need my great prince to HELP ME. oh GOSH!" Virgil said dramatically making Roman giggle "sure"


I had to spice it up a little. The end. bItCh

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now