Roman angst because im ✨dying✨

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Hehehe yes I am broken. Yes I am numb. Yes tehehe prinxiety because I said so and its my book-

I'm fine now XD

Roman looked at the ground
Look at're ruining Thomas
Roman gripped his sword as he brought his sword up to his throat
The pain...we love it
Roman light dragged it along his neck
Good job...
Roman pressed it to his neck as Virgil walked in "hey Ro I found th-" Virgil dropped his phone and grabbed the sword from Roman "why?" Virgil asked wiping the blood off of Romans arms and throat. Roman looked down and dropped to his knees consciousness leaving his body "BABY NO!" Virgil yelled pulling Roman into his lap ripping his hoodie and putting pressure on the wounds "LOGAAAANNN!!!" Virgil screamed holding Roman in his arms. He lifted the shirt off of Roman  and traced his abs "please...stay...please" Virgil sobbed and Logan came in. He treated Romans wounds while Virgil blew raspberrys in Romans stomach begging him to come back "Virgil that isn't going to work...he's gone" Logan let out a few tears and Virgil's heart stopped. Everything stopped. Virgil was frozen in shock as he watched his dead fiancè lay on the ground "n-no!" He whispered holding Romans cold face. Logan called Patton in and Patton collapsed in Logans arms. Virgil watched as a crack was placed on Romans head...he was gone. Virgil couldn't do this anymore. He picked Roman up and put him in a coffin bringing him to the imagination and burying him.

One week later

Virgil put flowers on Romans grave...he was hugging in and banging on the ground. He wasn't doing well with Romans death. Soon he heard a bang from underground and a scream "GET ME OUT!" he heard Roman yell. Virgil's eyes widened as he dug Roman out from his grave. Roman looked around d in shock looking at Virgil. As soon as he saw Virgil he jumped into his arms. Virgil held him tightly "wh-why was I under there?!?" Roman looked at Virgil terrified "y-you were d-dead what happened??" Virgil cried out "I dunno I awoke in a coffin" Roman said. Virgil was just so happy and releived Roman was back he kissed him. Roman kissed back holding Virgil's face. They just made out for like...20 minutes. They couldn't get enough of each other. Roman pulled away panting "I love you so much" Virgil whispered catching his breath "on god I love you too Virgil"

Roman be like "hiya bitches :p

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