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If I hear one more homophobic/racist/sexist comment...yall better stop me from finding the nearest bridge because I will jump off of it


Roman sighed sitting on his bed. He just came back from a date with Thomas's boyfriend...Thomas got mad at Roman because he kept trying to pull romantic gestures in public. Roman whined curling into a ball. He started to cry...Virgil was taking a showed during the whole thing. Virgil takes LOOOONNNGGG showers. Roman just wanted his boyfriend. Virgil got out of the shower and put his clothes on drying off then decided to go to Romans room since he could tell Roman wasn't the best. Roman was still on his bed sobbing when Virgil walked in " come here" Virgil said opening his arms for a hug. Roman quickly crawled into Virgil's arms snuggling into his warmth "hun...what happened?" Virgil asked stroking Romans hair "th-theh got m-mad at m-me because i-i wanted Th-Thomas to give N-Nico a k-kiss on the ch-cheek in pub-public" Roman cried out "my prince its okay. No ones mad at you" Virgil knew all about what Roman was feeling and he understood..they were broken together "I'm sc-scared!" Roman whisper yelled snaking (Janus?) up Virgil's hoodie. One of the only places he felt safe "I love you. You don't need to be scared..I know it feels like the world is falling apart around you but it isn't. No ones mad at you. It feels like it but I promise no ones mad. I love you RoRo and no ones going to change that...I don't care how many times you cut, attempt, choke yourself, etc. I don't care. I will be here forever and I will ALWAYS love you" Virgil emphasized every word and meant it. Roman nodded "you too Virgil...we're broken together" Virgil nodded this time "together"

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now