hickeys 💜❤

76 3 12

This is not smut...just after it XD


Virgil chuckled buckling back up his belt and hopping off of bed. He walked to the kitchen to get some cereal happy as can be.

Roman also awoke, expecting his boyfriend but he's not there. He shrugged grabbing his clothes and throwing them back on forgetting to cover something up...

As Roman walked back to the kitchen he sat down eating cereal beside his boyfriend. He set his hand on Virgil's leaning his head on his emo nightmares shoulder.

Virgil smiled rubbing circles in Romans back. Soon Patton and Logan came out of their rooms, Patton gasping as soon as he saw Romans neck. Logan groaned handing Patton $20 "dammit" the nerd muttered.

Patton just jumped up in celebration "I KNEW ROMAN WAS A BOTTOM!!!" he cheered kissing his nerds cheek.

Virgil just chuckled and Roman blushed hiding his face. Patton and Logan would never stop teasing the two about this

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now