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Guys...these aren't drafts that are all lined up XD they are me writing rn. Also I'm doing #4


Logan and Patton were very sleepy. They always just..fell asleep when they were tired. But today not..they couldn't fall asleep. They just couldn't. But you know what the best melatonin is? Boyfriend kisses. That's the best. Patton lightly leaned forward slowly and shyly kissing his partner. Logan kissed back. This time Logan leaned forward locking their lips. Patton kissed back. They just kept their lips there. Still connected but Patton nor Logans pink lips were pursed together. They were just slightly panting breathing and speaking into the others mouth. They were content with life and that's all that needed to be

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now