late Roman birthday chapter

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I made a hot ass friend damn I'm so gay. So I dumped my toxic ass friend and now I'm going to therapy!!!



Tw: self harm, angst, fluff at the end, people forgetting your birthday, being stuck in a room

Human AU

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Virgil got up early to go and set up Romans birthday. He creepily got up and wrote down a note

Dear Roman <3,

Hey baby!! I'm gonna be at the store for a bit. Don't go past the bathroom though ;)

Love you darling!!!




Roman awoke with a yawn. He rolled over expecting to find his husband but all was there was his hoodie and an empty spot.

Oh no...did Virgil leave him??? Did his coworker take Virgil?!!! No no no!!

Before he k ew it his breathing picked up just at the thought of Virgil being gone "h-he left. VIRGIL!!!!" Roman yelled to no response.

He licked up his blade slowly bringing it to his wrist. His hands couldn't hold it steady. Roman, sobbing, watched the crimson red color flow from his veins disappointed. He'd been clean for so long...

First him now Virgil? I'm suck a fuck up. He probably forgot my birthday...wait why am I thinking about myself??? I should be thinking about why Virgil let me! I'm such a selfish idiot...and for that...

Roman was about the slice his arm a couple more times when...

The door opened to revel...VIRGIL!!!

suddenly all of Romans bad thoughts went away seeing the sight of his husband. The most bittersweet part about separation anxiety is seeing the person you panicked about come back.

Virgil ran into Romans arms slowly rubbing his back "I'm so sorry for leaving baby. Breathe okay?"

Roman whimperee but took deep breaths breathing the best he could at the moment "i- y-yeah. You're here?"

The emo felt extremely guilt for leaving Roman but he figured it'd be worth it "I'm here princey. I won't leave like he did...i promise" (don't ask who "he" is I have no idea)

"You're staying forever?" Roman tilted his head just to make sure, looking into Virgil's deep, purple eyes

"I promise Roman" Virgil said looking into Romans beautiful red and green eyes with gold tint. "Now lets see why I was gone"

The prince nodded. He clinged to Virgil as his husband picked him up.

Virgil carried Roman into the living room where a movie was set up on the TV. The Nightmare Before Christmas onesies and hot cocoa sat before them. Roman didn't like big things when it came to him and his love celebrating, surprisingly. He just wanted to be there with the person he loved the most.

Tears came to the birthday boys's eyes "i- Virgil I love you so much!! I'm sorry for panicking I'm so happy now" Roman slung his arms around Virgil's shoulders pulling the taller male into a kiss.

Virgil kissed Roman back stroking his face "I love you too Romano"

a prinxiety/logicality oneshot book (Pt 1) Where stories live. Discover now