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"I will instruct my sorrows to be proud; for grief is proud, and makes his own stoop." - William Shakespeare

Short chapter.

Warning(s): None

3rd person POV

'Noah. I guess I could say I miss him. Do I care about him? Yeah. Do I like like him? I don't know..' Blake thought to himself, he didn't understand his feelings. Nor understand why exactly Christa and Alex kept asking him if he would ever date Noah. But he needed to clear his mind. He was going to see his father, after years of not wanting to. "We're here." Munakata suddenly said shocking Blake, "R-Right-.." He nodded shaking his head taking a deep breath and stepping out of the car looking at all the other graves.

They eventually made it to Juzo's grave. It saying the year and date he was born, along with the day and year he died. "Loving father, and friend. A hero." also written on the bottom of the tombstone. Blake had to resist the urge to break down and cry his eyes out, but he couldn't. He wanted to cry, badly. But the tears wouldn't appear.

He simply tightened his grip on his, Juzo's jacket, his eyebrows furrowing. He let himself fall to his knees his grip tightening more, Munakata looked at Blake. Not knowing exactly what to do. But then he remembered something Juzo did,

Small flashback (I made this up by the way-)

"Hey Chisa stop crying-.." Kyosuke stopped in his tracks, hearing Juzo from inside his office. He quietly opened the door to see Chisa burying her face into Juzo's shoulder continuously sobbing. Juzo sighed, wrapping his arms around Chisa and patting her back trying to calm her down. "It's gonna be ok." He quietly said in a soft voice, Chisa nodded her crying dying down as she let out ragged breaths.

End Flashback

Munakata blinked feeling something run down his face. He brought his hand up to his eyes and wiped his face. Realizing he was crying. He composed himself before slowly getting down on his knees sitting down besides Blake. He hesitantly, but slowly put an arm around Blake he flinched a bit looking at Munakata, "Let it out." Was all he had to say for Blake to break down and start crying.

He cried and cried, Kyosuke let him. He knew the effect this must have on Blake. "It's gonna be okay." He said, Blake's eyes widened, he looked back up at Munakata tears still rolling down his face. Munakata looked at him as well, giving him a warm, sympathetic smile. Blake nodded, "It's gonna be okay..." he repeated to himself wiping his face. "I miss him..." He mumbled looking at the tombstone.

"I miss him as well." Kyosuke sighed sadly, how much it hurt him to have to lie to Blake about the truth of Juzo's death. But he couldn't know. He could never know.

With Noah

"Oh! How about asking him out a few weeks before prom?! Me and Alex still have one more year in highschool, but we can technically go if you two invite us! We could help you ask him to prom, and ask him out on a date after prom!" Christa said, "That actually sounds like a great idea," Jay agreed, "How about it Noah?"  The male in question thought about it for a second, he's had amazing grades during his time in the school. Luckily he wouldn't have to be held back for transferring a few months into the year. (Not sure if this is actually true so-)

"It sounds great Christa!" He agreed, "It's settled then!" She smiled happily. "Now let's get back to your house, so we can plan everything and make sure everything looks for prom! We'll also choose the outfits for you and Blake!" Jay nodded making sure everyone was buckled up before he started driving back to Noah and Blake's shared house.

A few minutes later

"Alrighty Noah help me take in those bags, Alex will help me with the clothes and Jay take the skateboard along with extra bags that Noah can't carry!" She hurriedly said running toward the house along with Alex who was following her, "Well let's go then." Noah laughed Jay laughed a bit as well grabbing some bags while Noah grabbed the rest and closed the trunk of the car then locking it.

The both went inside the house to see Christa and Alex already seeing which clothes matched with eachother along with shoes, and accessories. "Seriously-?" Noah dropped the rest of the bags on the floor looking at them both baffled at the mess they were making. "Sorry~" Christa nervously smiled, "Christa will clean up afterwards! Don't worry!" Alex smiled, "ME-?!" She yelled, "Yes you!" Alex smiled again but it seemed more, evil I suppose is what you can call it.

"Fine.." She pouted before she and Alex went back to matching all the clothes.

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